San Diego County and Imperial County, California
Regional Mobility Hub Strategy
2020 National Planning Achievement Silver Award for Transportation Planning
Transit-Oriented Development Strategy
Supporting Mobility Hub Features Throughout A Network of Communities
Dependence on private automobiles has severely limited both convenient and equitable mobility options available to residents and visitors in the San Diego and Imperial County regions.
To help extend the reach of transit and shared mobility services, communities need individualized support to diversify and expand transportation access. The San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) collaborated with the Imperial County Transportation Commission (ICTC) to explore mobility hubs as a solution to this region-wide problem.
The resulting Regional Mobility Hub Strategy is the recipient of a 2020 National Planning Achievement Award for Transportation.
Mobility hubs are places of connectivity where different modes of travel seamlessly converge. They include features that support safer walking and biking, bikeshare, carshare, neighborhood electric vehicles (NEVs), microtransit services, and more. Through engagement with community members and municipal staff, the SANDAG/ICTC team developed the Regional Mobility Hub Strategy to guide mobility hub implementation around existing and future transit services.
The Mobility Hub Strategy has already inspired integration of mobility hubs into future land use and mobility planning efforts both locally and regionally. For example, San Diego's first new light rail line in 15 years will include mobility hub improvements that enhance access for the surrounding communities.

This mobility hub concept illustration shows the wide range of services, amenities, and technologies that converge to create a seamless travel experience. Illustration courtesy SANDAG.