Recognizing APA Presidential Award Recipients

The APA President and AICP President present their respective presidential award once during their tenure to an individual who has demonstrated a commitment to creating great communities for all in the planning profession.
Immediate Past President Leo Asuncion, Jr., AICP, and Immediate Past AICP President Mitchell Silver, FAICP, honored their recipients at the 2023 National Planning Conference. Learn more about these outstanding individuals.
Honoring Planning Excellence Recipients
APA President's Award: Cynthia Bowen, FAICP
APA Immediate Past President Leo Asuncsion, Jr., AICP, honored Cynthia Bowen, FAICP

Cynthia Bowen, FAICP
Cynthia Bowen, FAICP, was selected due to her long-time and continuing service to APA, as well as her achievements as an APA member. Cynthia came up through the ranks of APA and served in a variety of leadership roles. First as APA Indiana's chapter president, then on the APA Board of Directors, and finally serving as APA President in 2018 — 2019. Additionally, she was elected to the AICP College of Fellows in 2018.
During her term as APA president, Cynthia was instrumental in advancing APA's equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) initiative, by not only providing the foundation for the APA's EDI commitment as we see it today, but also the springboard that will continue APA's work in this very important area.
AICP President's Award: Jeanette Dinwiddie-Moore, FAICP
AICP Immediate Past President Mitchell Silver, FAICP, honored Jeanette Dinwiddie-Moore, FAICP

Jeanette Dinwiddie-Moore, FAICP
Jeanette Dinwiddie-Moore, FAICP, is the principal of Dinwiddie and Associates. She has over 40 years of planning experience, ranging from housing, general plan and zoning updates, base reuse, transportation studies and infrastructure.
Jeanette has been an icon and legend in the APA, American Instititute of Certified Planners, the APA California Chapter, California Planning Roundtable, and APA's Planning and Black Community Division.
Jeanette is a role model and has influenced a generation of planners, particularly Black planners.