Well-Being at Work: Finding a Job that Values Mental Health

When searching for a new job, figuring out if a potential employer values employee mental health and well-being can be overwhelming — if it's even top of mind.
Workplace well-being may be on the back burner compared to other concerns like salary or retirement benefits, or the topic may feel taboo during the hiring process. But there needs to be more conversations in the planning profession about mental health and burnout, says Brittany Griffin, director of programs for the American Planning Association's Women & Planning Division and principal planner at Blitz Permits.
"We don't talk enough about mental health, especially to students in school," she says. "But how can you be a champion of your community if you're not taking care of yourself?"
It's one of the reasons Griffin encourages planners not to discount their well-being while job-hunting. And what's most important is being honest about your priorities, says Amy Cooper Hakim, PhD, a workplace psychology consultant. When you start your job search, she recommends making a list of what's essential for you to feel happy and fulfilled at work.
"[Maybe] it's that you're able to get home by a certain hour ... or that people are encouraged to take vacation and not just get the award for never using vacation days," she says. "Whatever it is that brings you joy is what you make sure that you marked down."
She also suggests checking the employer's website for language about work-life balance or mental health-related benefits. Assessing what an employer "puts out publicly around its organizational values" can be helpful, too, says Kate Zanon, AICP, deputy city manager/general manager of corporate services for Port Moody in British Columbia, Canada.
"Is everything [on the website] just around business and transactions, or is there anything within the municipal's public communication that talks about how it values its people?" Zanon says. "Does its strategic plan talk about people? I think those are other things to look for."

Employees' body language and interactions with one another can indicate what kind of workplace culture a company has, says workplace psychology consultant Amy Cooper Hakim, PhD. Photo by jacoblund/Getty Images
Ask and Observe: What to Do When You Interview
For some, mentioning well-being and mental health during an interview is intimidating.
"If it's so critical to you — even if the question could be awkward or a potential employer does not respond positively to it — you should still ask, because it's better to know that now than later," Zanon says.
Griffin was impressed recently when someone asked her, during their interview, how employees support each other in stressful situations. "I [thought], 'That is a really good question, and a lot of people would be afraid to ask that,'" she says.
Bringing up tough topics often comes down to tone and phrasing. Hakim recommends being direct but tactful: Can you tell me what programs or benefits are associated with work-life balance? Or how do you handle issues of employee well-being? "And if they're dumbfounded," she says, "then that's not good."
Small interactions with potential employers also can provide clues to workplace culture. Hakim suggests paying attention to employees' body language and how they engage with one another. "If they're smiling at the HR manager or the person doing the interview, or if they're steering clear of that individual, that type of body language is particularly important," she says.
Zanon values another simple gesture: giving candidates a few moments to get settled before the interview starts.
"I think that's something really critical and often overlooked," she says. "From the interview process, someone has shown an interest in me beyond [work]. Even if it's a little bit, that says a lot about the organization."
And don't ignore what your gut is telling you. "If you're already getting a feeling in the interview, it's probably not going to get any better," Griffin says.
Workplace Well-Being Resources
National Alliance on Mental Illness
The nonprofit provides education and support to those struggling with mental health issues.
Work and Well-Being Initiative
A joint effort between Harvard and MIT with workplace well-being resources for employers.
Center for Workplace Mental Health
The American Psychiatric Association Foundation program offers tools and resources to improve employee mental health.
Conflict Management in Planning
Conflict management tools are available at APA's Research KnowledgeBase.
More On Mental Health From APA
Well-Being Tips While on the Job
Once you start a new job, make it a habit to prioritize your well-being. Something both Hakim and Griffin advise is blocking off your calendar for scheduled breaks. "You're going to be so busy as a planner, especially at the municipal level, that you'll miss your first break," Griffin says. "You'll miss your second break. And then, before you know it, you're begging a coworker to watch [your desk], so you can go to the bathroom."
Time away from your office, like a 15-minute walk or relying on others, also is key after a contentious meeting or conflict with a community member, Zanon says.
"It's one of those things that we often deal with alone, and it's important to talk to our team members," she says. "It is important to say, 'This is really bugging me that this happened. Can I talk about it with you?'"
There isn't a perfect formula for work-life balance, so be truthful with yourself about your boundaries, Hakim says. Staying at the office late during a particularly intense project is one thing, but continuing to stretch your limits is a recipe for burnout.
If the workload is consistently too much or you've stopped taking a lunch break, then it might be time for a candid conversation with your employer. Hakim recommends using the phrase, "In order to feel most productive at work, I need ..."
"It's important to very clearly let your boss know that you plan to give it your all while at work, but that you also need to be able to give it your all when you are off," she says.
Top image: Considering work-life balance and workplace well-being during the interview process can help prevent burnout. Photo by AnnaStills/Getty Images