Beyond the Public / Private Dichotomy: Big Workplace or Small?

A previous post discussed the merits of public, private, and nonprofit organizations and different types of planning work.
Those are not the only choices you face, though, as the size of the organization influences your experience.
Pros and Cons of Small Organizations
Many planners argue the merits of working for a small organization early on. My first job was for a two-planner consulting firm. My boss handed me all the responsibility I could handle, and I completed a wide variety of tasks. I accompanied her to meetings (to make the firm look larger), and in my first year, I represented a client on my own at a hearing. Having to account for billable hours made me efficient with my time, and competing for business was fast-paced and exciting.
The downside of this organization was that my boss was busy and frequently out of the office, so there wasn't time to train and mentor me. The sink-or-swim experience was stressful, but as I look back, it was pivotal in my professional growth.
If you choose a small organization, compensate for the lack of mentoring by getting involved in APA, networking, and finding an outside mentor. Also, you can gain exposure to work in larger organizations if your small firm is a sub-consultant to larger firms or your small public agency works with a regional, state, or federal agency.
Navigating Growth in a Large Organization
In a large organization, you have a defined position with a job description and a place in the organizational hierarchy. Working for a large organization can provide training, mentoring, collaboration, and develop your skills working in teams.
After working for small consulting firms, my next job was at a large, well-funded redevelopment agency. The agency had financial stability and good benefits, sleek furniture, and lots of resources. I learned about real estate economics, for example, by collaborating with staff in the real estate and finance departments. I learned about best practices because the organization could afford specialists.
Large organizations may limit the range of tasks you are assigned and your level of responsibility. If you have many interests and skills, you may be "pigeonholed" in the skill most necessary to the organization. Your other skills may not develop. Also, things move slower, and the layers of hierarchy and bureaucracy may seem stifling.
One alumnus told me a full-time planning position felt like an internship because the immediate boss couldn't provide timely direction — getting decisions through layers of management took time.
I've provided no clarity on whether small or large organizations are better, so you may wish to gain experience in different-sized organizations. Regardless of your choice, seek out the most highly regarded ones.
When starting, just getting a job seems hard enough, but if early career experiences are in a poorly run organization, it can limit you. You may learn bad habits, and your inspiration may take a hit. Take the time to get word-of-mouth information about the internal culture of the organizations you're considering. Is it constantly "putting out fires," or is there enough stability for training, good management, and mentoring?
Keep your ear to the ground, network, and seek work in target organization types that provide those latter qualities.
This blog series is amplified in Richard Willson's book, A Guide for the Idealist: How to Launch and Navigate Your Planning Career. The book includes perspectives, tools, advice, and personal anecdotes. It is available now at Routledge, Amazon, and most retailers.
Top image: Thinkstock photo.