For AICP Members

CM Overview

What Is CM?
As a member of AICP, your knowledge as a planner covers a broad array of topics. The Certification Maintenance (CM) program is your link to maintaining your AICP certification while keeping your skills relevant and investing in your professional development. The CM program is guided by the AICP Core Competencies, which also serve as a resource for you to identify the knowledge you may need to advance your career.
CM Log
Members are responsible for logging Certification Maintenance credits and managing their CM log.
CM Exemptions
Retaining Your Membership is Important to Your Credential
There are assistance options for you to keep your credentials in good standing. CM exemptions provide flexibility in difficult times to keep your AICP credential active or options to place your credential on a temporary hold.
AICP Reinstatement
Options to Regain Your AICP Credential
If your AICP credential has expired, there are options to help you reinstate. Review these options to get on your path to reinstatement.
AICP Members Program Details
Frequently Asked Questions for AICP Members
Please contact us using our customer service form or ask for Certification Maintenance customer service at 312-431-9100.