Airport Layout Plan Update

City of Watsonville

Watsonville, CA

The City of Watsonville is pursuing professional consulting services for preparation of an update to the Airport Layout Plan (ALP) and associated update to the Airport Master Plan analyzing the deactivation (closure) of Watsonville Municipal Airport's Runway Nine-Two Seven (RWY 9-27). The updated ALP will require an airfield reconfiguration evaluation involving an analysis of current design standards, justification of proposed changes, and identification of any proposed changes to aeronautical-use parcels (the "Project"). The Project ultimately would include the deactivation, in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) guidance, of RWY 9-27 (a 3,998-foot crosswind runway) and parallel taxiway "Charlie" as depicted on the 2023 Watsonville Municipal Airport Layout Plan, dated July 19, 2023, Exhibit A.

In addition, the City seeks services to evaluate the Project's environmental impacts in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA). The environmental review process would commence with the preparation of an initial study under CEQA and an Environmental Assessment ("EA") under NEPA. The City anticipates that an Addendum to the previously certified Airport Master Plan EIR under CEQA and a FONSI under NEPA may be appropriate; however, the initial study and EA would determine if subsequent or supplemental CEQA review or if a greater level of NEPA analysis would be required.

Proposals shall be submitted by firms that have a capable and documentable background in the type of work described in Section II, "SCOPE OF WORK" of this request. In addition, all interested firms shall have sufficient, readily available resources to carry out the work without delay or shortcomings.

The proposals shall be submitted to Rayvon Williams, Airport Director, Watsonville Municipal Airport, 100 Aviation Way Watsonville, California 95076 not later than 2:00 PM on Friday, April 11, 2025. Each proposer shall submit one (1) printed proposal and one (1) digital copy on a flash drive in accordance with Section III, "PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS", of this notice.

The city intends to enter into an agreement with the selected firm in May 2025 and expects that work will commence in June 2025. The anticipated term of the agreement for services shall be 12 months from the date of Notice to Proceed.

Questions shall be directed to Rayvon Williams, Airport Director at (831) 768-3574 or

Inquiries concerning CEQA may be directed to Justin Meek, AICP Interim Community Development Department Director at (831) 768-3077 or

Request Type
Friday, April 11, 2025