Small Town and Rural Planning

The Small Town and Rural Planning Division of APA is a forum for the exchange of ideas and information of interest to professional and citizen planners in our smaller communities and rural areas.

We are a collaborative group of rural and small town planners, citizen planners, and allied professionals dedicated to the physical, social, and economic diversity of North America's non-metropolitan areas. As a division, we do our best to keep an eye on issues that challenge the ever-changing face of "Small Town America" and share ideas and success stories from the rural heartland of the United States and abroad.

In addition to publishing the STaR newsletter, the division sponsors sessions and workshops at national, regional, and state conferences. We also maintain a permanent national position through the STaR Track at the APA annual conference. We have an awards program recognizing outstanding projects, programs, plans, and people who are working to make the future of small communities brighter. We also sponsor a scholarship program for university students working with small and rural communities. We conduct regular interviews with newspapers, radio, magazines, and other media resources, as well as traveling the world telling the planning story. 

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