FAICP: College of Fellows of AICP
About the AICP College of Fellows
Induction to the AICP College of Fellows is the highest honor the American Institute of Certified Planners bestows upon a member.
Fellows of AICP are nominated and selected by their peers to recognize and honor their outstanding contributions as professional planners. The outcomes of their individual efforts left demonstrably significant and transformational improvements to the field of planning and the communities they served. All Fellows are long-time members of AICP and have achieved excellence in professional practice, teaching and mentoring, research, and community service and leadership.
The College actively encourages Fellows and others to participate in programs and initiatives in the service of communities and the planning profession, including: mentoring the next generation of planners; volunteering expertise to underserved communities; leading initiatives within APA chapters and divisions; and sharing knowledge with the planning community, allied professionals, and the wider public.
Congratulations to the 2024 Class of Fellows
Please join us in congratulating the 2024 Class of Fellows of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP). Fellows of AICP are nominated and selected by their peers to recognize and honor their outstanding contributions as professional planners. The outcomes of their individual efforts left demonstrably significant and transformational improvements to the field of planning and the communities they served.
2024 AICP College of Fellows Induction Ceremony and Reception Program
2024 Inductees
Rodney Arroyo
Annick Beaudet
Eric Bosman
Thomas Dallessio
Kara Drane
Kathleen Ebaugh
Daniel Ertl
David Fields
Nancy Fong
William Fulton
Trudy Galla
Jessica Garrow
Diane Gormely-Barnes
Christopher Hermann
Hanson Hom
Karen Hundt
Joseph Imamura
Georges Jacquemart
Julie Klemp Wischnack
Kristin Larsen
Anna Laybourn
Kimberley Mickelson
Justin Moore
Michelle Nance
Kurt H. Schindler
Angela Calvin Self
David Silverman
Gavin Smith
Alan Sorensen
Chance Sparks
Miguel Vazquez
William Voelker
Stacy Wright
The 2024 Class was inducted into the College of Fellows at the National Planning Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Fellows of AICP
Norman A. Abbott, FAICP
John Accordino, FAICP
Cynthia J. Albright, FAICP CUD, GISP
Charles C. Allen, FAICP*
David J. Allor, FAICP*
Karen B. Alschuler, FAICP
Linda Amato, FAICP
John E. Andersen, FAICP*
Gary D. Anderson, FAICP
Richard T. Anderson, FAICP
William R. Anderson, FAICP
Neil J. Angus, FAICP CEP
Robert E. Ansley Jr., FAICP
Jerry Anthony, FAICP
Rodney L. Arroyo, FAICP
George I. Atta, FAICP
Alden Aust, FAICP*
Uri P. Avin, FAICP
Edmund N. Bacon, FAICP*
Ann C. Bagley, FAICP
Tridib K. Banerjee, FAICP
Robert L. Barber, FAICP
Trevor T. Barger, FAICP CUD
William G. Barker, FAICP
Mitzi C. Barker, FAICP
Jonathan Barnett, FAICP
Carol D. Barrett, FAICP
Ernest R. Bartley, FAICP*
Christopher Basham, FAICP
Leonard J. Bauer, FAICP
Annick C. Beaudet, FAICP
Ralph E. Becker Jr., FAICP
Robert W. Becker, FAICP
Barbara Becker, FAICP
Thomas E. Beckwith, FAICP
Owen M. Beitsch, FAICP
Ralph C. Bender, FAICP*
Paul F. Berge, FAICP
Teree L. Bergman, FAICP
Paul A. Bergmann, FAICP
Brian J. Berry, FAICP
Dale F. Bertsch, FAICP
David E. Bess, FAICP
Richard G. Bickel, FAICP
Graham S. Billingsley, FAICP
Eugenie L. Birch, FAICP
Daniel D. Bird, FAICP
Merle H. Bishop, FAICP
Henry F. Bittaker, FAICP
Mart J. Black, FAICP
Alan Black, FAICP
Lachlan F. Blair, FAICP*
Whit Blanton, FAICP
John A. Blayney, FAICP*
Roger D. Blevins, FAICP
Michael Blue, FAICP
Richard S. Bolan, FAICP
M. Rory Bolger, FAICP
Wendy S. Bonneau, FAICP
Eric S. Bosman, FAICP
Fred P. Bosselman, FAICP*
William W. Bowdy, FAICP*
Cynthia A. Bowen, FAICP
Mary Anne G. Bowie, FAICP
David S. Boyd, FAICP
Melville C. Branch, FAICP*
Anna M. Breinich, FAICP
Dean P. Brennan, FAICP
John E. Bridges, FAICP
Angela D. Brooks, FAICP
Michael P. Brooks, FAICP
Jane S. Brooks, FAICP
David J. Brower, FAICP
Robert N. Brown, FAICP
Larissa V. Brown, FAICP
Horace H. Brown, FAICP*
Peter H. Brown, FAICP
Pamela J. Brown, FAICP
Lee M. Brown, FAICP
Nancy B. Brown, FAICP
Martin Bruno Jr., FAICP
Amanda M. Burden, FAICP
Robert G. Burke, FAICP*
Stephen C. Butler, FAICP
David L. Callies, FAICP
Brian Campbell, FAICP
Brian C. Canin, FAICP
Dee Caputo, FAICP
Armando Carbonell, FAICP
Michael R. Cardwell, FAICP
Richard K. Carlisle, FAICP
Wayne E. Carlson, FAICP
Paulette M. Carolin, FAICP
James E. Carrillo, FAICP
Donald K. Carter, FAICP
Sam Casella, FAICP*
Anthony J. Catanese, FAICP
Robert A. Catlin, FAICP*
Philip B. Caton, FAICP
M. Perry Chapman, FAICP*
George B. Chapman, FAICP
Jayanta Chatterjee, FAICP
Ramond A. Chiaramonte, FAICP
Willard T. Chow, FAICP
Kurt E. Christiansen, FAICP
Hyung C. Chung, FAICP*
Philip H. Clark, FAICP*
Stan Clauson, FAICP
J. Michael Cobb, FAICP
Jamie A. Cochran, FAICP*
William J. Cohen, FAICP
Richard C. Collier Jr., FAICP
Carol R. Collier, FAICP
Fred Collignon, FAICP
Bradley J. Collins, FAICP
Arlan M. Colton, FAICP
Patricia Comarell, FAICP
Chris Comeau, FAICP CTP
Charles M. Compton, FAICP
Garry V. Cooper, FAICP
Gary M. Cooper, FAICP
Connie B. Cooper, FAICP
Sara K. Copeland, FAICP
Robert Cornish, FAICP*
Fernando Costa, FAICP
Elaine S. Costello, FAICP
Robert D. Cotter, FAICP
Susan M. Coughanour, FAICP
Linda R. Cox, FAICP
Glenn Coyne, FAICP
Betty Croly, FAICP*
John F. Crowley, FAICP
Kurt Culbertson, FAICP
Samuel J. Cullers, FAICP*
James W. Curtis, FAICP
Patrick J. Cusick Jr., FAICP*
Barbara J. Dacy, FAICP
William S. Dahlstrom, FAICP
C. Gregory Dale, FAICP
Thomas G. Dallessio, FAICP
Linda C. Dalton, FAICP
Robert F. Dannenbrink, FAICP
Jan Degenshein, FAICP
John M. DeGrove, FAICP*
Julianna Delgado, FAICP
Trevor Dick, FAICP
Faye Q. DiMassimo, FAICP
Tom Dinell, FAICP
Jeanette Dinwiddie-Moore, FAICP
Mike A. Dobbins, FAICP
Leslie Dornfeld, FAICP
Victor B. Dover, FAICP
Kara W. Drane, FAICP
Kara W. Drane, FAICP
Robert J. Duffy, FAICP
John M. Dugan, FAICP
Frank M. Duke, FAICP
Wilmer C. Dutton Jr., FAICP*
David Early, FAICP
Kathleen W. Ebaugh, FAICP
Elaine K. Echols, FAICP
David J. Edelman, FAICP
Joseph T. Edmiston, FAICP
Mary M. Edwards, FAICP
Hazel R. Edwards, FAICP
David M. Efland, FAICP
Dennis Egner, FAICP
Robert Eichenberg, FAICP
Robert C. Einsweiler, FAICP*
Donald L. Elliott, FAICP
Frank L. Elmer, FAICP*
Gerald A. Emison, FAICP
Clarence Eng, FAICP
Henry Eng, FAICP
John W. Epling, FAICP
Richard B. Erickson, FAICP
Jerome R. Ernst, FAICP*
Daniel F. Ertl, FAICP
Carolyn J. Esswein, FAICP
Jennifer Evans-Cowley, FAICP
Kyle Ezell, FAICP CUD
W. Paul Farmer, FAICP
Craig N. Farmer, FAICP
Kiersten Faulkner, FAICP
Toby L. Fauver, FAICP
Wayne Feiden, FAICP
Karen B. Fernandez, FAICP
Hermann H. Field, FAICP*
Grace Fielder, FAICP
David Fields, FAICP
Frank S. Fish, FAICP
Christopher M. Fletcher, FAICP
Peter A. Flinker, FAICP CEP CUD
Nancy Y. Fong, FAICP
Clyde W. Forrest, FAICP*
C. Bickley Foster, FAICP*
C. Bickley Foster, FAICP*
M. Corinne Fox, FAICP
Cassandra J. Francis, FAICP
Joe E. Frank Jr., FAICP
William T. Frazier, FAICP
Steven P. French, FAICP
Adrian P. Freund, FAICP*
Stephen B. Friedman, FAICP
Peter J. Fritz, FAICP
William Fulton, FAICP
James E. Gahres, FAICP, CEcD
Ralph A. Gakenheimer, FAICP
Trudy J. Galla, FAICP
Margot W. Garcia, FAICP
Stephanie Garcia-Vause, FAICP
Joanne E. Garnett, FAICP
Jessica Garrow, FAICP
Lucia E. Garsys, FAICP
David R. Gattis, FAICP
Charles R. Gauthier, FAICP
Kimberly K. Gerhart-Fritz, FAICP
Richard G. Gertson, FAICP
Mary Gibbs, FAICP
Mark L. Gillem, FAICP
David R. Godschalk, FAICP*
S. Gail Goldberg, FAICP
Carl Goldschmidt, FAICP*
Scott L. Goldstein, FAICP
Steven I. Gordon, FAICP
Dennis A. Gordon, FAICP
Diane Gormely-Barnes, FAICP
William Gould, FAICP*
Sigurd Grava, FAICP*
Ellen J. Greenberg, FAICP
Jamie A. Greene, FAICP
Brendan Griesemer, FAICP
Maxine Griffith, FAICP
Sherman W. Griselle, FAICP*
Albert Z. Guttenberg, FAICP*
Gary A. Hack, FAICP
David M. Haight, FAICP
Besim S. Hakim, FAICP
Irving Hand, FAICP*
Philip W. Hanegraaf, FAICP
Harlan Hanson, FAICP
Susan J. Harden, FAICP
Angela N. Harper, FAICP
Michael A. Harper, FAICP
William M. Harris, FAICP
Britton Harris, FAICP*
Stanford Harvey, FAICP
Mark H. Hastert, FAICP
Jeffrey A. Hatling, FAICP
David P. Healey, FAICP*
Ellen Heath, FAICP
Roger K. Hedrick, FAICP
Jill C. Hegardt, FAICP
Mary A. Heidemann, FAICP
Vernon G. Henry, FAICP*
Mary Lou Henry, FAICP*
Milton J. Herd, FAICP
Benjamin A. Herman, FAICP
Christopher S. Hermann, FAICP
Albert I. Herson, FAICP
James S. Hester, FAICP
Jesus H. Hinojosa, FAICP
Sonia A. Hirt, FAICP
John E. Hirten, FAICP*
Benjamin G. Hitchings, FAICP
Allan A. Hodges, FAICP
Stanley R. Hoffman, FAICP*
Edward A. Holden, FAICP*
Justin B. Hollander, FAICP
Jim Holway, FAICP
Terry F. Holzheimer, FAICP*
Kristin M. Hopkins, FAICP
Larry J. Hopper, FAICP
Patrick Horsbrugh, FAICP*
Cynthia M. Houben, FAICP
John Houseal, FAICP
Deborah A. Howe, FAICP
Cynthia L. Hoyle, FAICP
Valerie J. Hubbard, FAICP
Robert P. Huefner, FAICP
Satyendra S. Huja, FAICP
Karen A. Hundt, FAICP CUD
Robert B. Hunter, FAICP
Fred A. Hurand, FAICP
Edward J. Hustoles, FAICP
Ann E. Hutchinson, FAICP
Ernest W. Hutton, FAICP
John R. Iacoangeli, FAICP
Daniel S. Iacofano, FAICP
Joseph Imamura Ph.D., FAICP
Paul Inghram, FAICP
Timothy H. Jackson, FAICP
Thomas Jacobson, FAICP
Georges G. Jacquemart, FAICP
Alexander Jaegerman, FAICP
Arun Jain, FAICP
Laurie A. Johnson, FAICP
Bonnie J. Johnson, FAICP, PhD
David A. Johnson, FAICP
Patricia Joiner, FAICP
Michelle G. Jordan, FAICP
Robert J. Juster, FAICP*
Vivian Kahn, FAICP
Jerome L. Kaufman, FAICP*
Barbara Kautz, FAICP
Larry Keating, FAICP
Lloyd T. Keefe, FAICP*
John W. Keller, FAICP
Gil Kelley, FAICP
Paul B. Kelman, FAICP
Katherine Keough-Jurs, FAICP
Oliver Kerr, FAICP*
Mary R. Kihl, FAICP*
David N. Kinsey, FAICP
Todd M. Kinskey, FAICP
Daniel L. Kirby, FAICP
David C. Kirk, FAICP
William R. Klein, FAICP
Julie A. Klemp-Wischnack, FAICP
Lawrence S. Kline, FAICP
Chris I. Kluchman, FAICP
Ruth E. Knack, FAICP
Bruce A. Knight, FAICP
Naphtali H. Knox, FAICP
Richard Koenig, FAICP
Mark A. Koplin, FAICP
Zenia Kotval, FAICP
Robert Kowalski, FAICP
Alan Kreditor, FAICP
Kenneth M. Kreutziger, FAICP
Donald A. Krueckeberg, FAICP*
Norman Krumholz, FAICP*
Andrea W. Kuhn, FAICP
Mark D. Kulaas, FAICP
Glenn Kumekawa, FAICP*
Diane T. Kushlan, FAICP
Bruce C. Laing, FAICP
Jeffrey J. Lambert, FAICP
William Lamont Jr., FAICP*
Floyd Lapp, FAICP
Kristin Larsen, FAICP
Glenn E. Larson, FAICP
Clement K. Lau, FAICP
Devin J. Lavigne, FAICP
Rochelle W. Lawandales, FAICP
Deborah A. Lawlor, FAICP
Anna K. Laybourn, FAICP
Nancey G. Leigh, FAICP
Robert A. Leiter, FAICP
Rebecca Leonard, FAICP
Glen S. LeRoy, FAICP
John D. Lettelleir, FAICP
Julius S. Levine, FAICP
Craig S. Lewis, FAICP
Paul S. Lewis, FAICP
Robert M. Lewis, FAICP
Constance Lieder, FAICP
Helen M. Lightle, FAICP
Steven G. Lindorff, FAICP
Ronald C. Littlefield, FAICP
Yu E. Liu, FAICP
Michael H. Long, FAICP
Alfredo R. Lopez, FAICP CTP
Cary D. Lowe, FAICP
Peter C. Lowitt, FAICP
Weiming Lu, FAICP
Jerome W. Lubin, FAICP*
Amy S. Luersen, FAICP
Paul V. Luersen, FAICP
Barbara L. Lukermann, FAICP*
Robert H. Lurcott, FAICP
Dean L. Macris, FAICP
George G. Mader, FAICP*
Riad G. Mahayni, FAICP
Howard R. Maier, FAICP
Emil E. Malizia, FAICP
Robert W. Marans, FAICP
George T. Marcou, FAICP*
Peter Marcuse, FAICP*
Laurie Marston, FAICP
Lucilla F. Marvel, FAICP
Martha Mason Semmes, FAICP
Cheryl H. Matheny, FAICP
Richard May, FAICP*
Celia McAdam, FAICP CTP
William K. McAllister, FAICP
Michael D. McAnelly, FAICP
Anne F. McBride, FAICP
Kathleen A. McCabe, FAICP
Robin H. McCaffrey, FAICP
Heather E. McCartney, FAICP
Robin S. McClelland, FAICP
Bruce W. McClendon, FAICP*
Alan McClennen Jr., FAICP
Ron L. McConnell, FAICP
Michael J. McCormick, FAICP
Margarita P. McCoy, FAICP*
Betsy McCullough, FAICP
Bruce D. McDowell, FAICP*
Christie L. McGetrick, FAICP
Dorn C. McGrath, FAICP
Kathleen McMahon, FAICP
Judith A. Meany, FAICP
Stuart Meck, FAICP*
Joy A. Mee, FAICP
Deborah R. Meihoff, FAICP
Dwight H. Merriam, FAICP
Frederick L. Merrill Jr., FAICP
Kimberley Mickelson, FAICP
Roger M. Millar Jr., FAICP
Barry J. Miller, FAICP
Vijay K. Mital, FAICP
Robert P. Mitchell, FAICP
Gary K. Mitchell, FAICP
Friederike H. Mittner, FAICP
Wendy E. Moeller, FAICP
Emil R. Moncivais, FAICP
Brian F. Mooney, FAICP
Kathrin S. Moore, FAICP
Justin G. Moore, FAICP
Terry Moore, FAICP
Sarah S. More, FAICP
Carl E. Morehouse, FAICP
Marya Morris, FAICP
Larry B. Morrison, FAICP
Saralee L. Morrissey, FAICP
Harvey Moskowitz, FAICP
Louis B. Muhly, FAICP*
Joseph E. Muldrow, FAICP
Robert J. Mulhere, FAICP
John R. Mullin, FAICP
Norman Murdoch, FAICP*
Sharon Murray, FAICP
Michelle E. Nance, FAICP
Lee H. Nellis, FAICP
Arthur C. Nelson, FAICP
Dick Netzer, FAICP*
Luis R. Nieves-Ruiz, FAICP
Nina L. Nixon-Mendez, FAICP
Barry C. Nocks, FAICP
A. Paul Norby, FAICP
Perry L. Norton, FAICP*
James C. O'Connell, FAICP
Robert B. Olshansky, FAICP
Dudley Onderdonk, FAICP
Benjamin T. Orsbon, FAICP
John H. Paige, FAICP
Dean C. Palos, FAICP
Vincent A. Papsidero Jr., FAICP
James F. Parajon, FAICP
Ki Suh Park, FAICP*
Lorna L. Parkins, FAICP
Julie Pastor, FAICP
Robert Paternoster, FAICP
James A. Paulmann, FAICP
Daniel S. Pava, FAICP
Maureen Paz De Araujo, FAICP CTP CEP
Kenneth T. Pearlman, FAICP
Earl E. Pearson, FAICP*
Mary Kay Peck Delk, FAICP
Susan R. Peerson, FAICP
Anna Pehoushek, FAICP
Thomas G. Pelham, FAICP*
James Peters, FAICP
Phillip D. Peters, FAICP*
Pattsi Petrie, FAICP
Rhonda G. Phillips, FAICP
J. Douglas Piggott, FAICP*
Robert J. Piper, FAICP*
Rocky E. Piro, FAICP
David G. Pitt, FAICP
Joseph A. Pobiner, FAICP
Norbert J. Pointner, FAICP
Daphne Z. Politis, FAICP
Peter Pollock, FAICP
Leslie S. Pollock, FAICP
David J. Portman, FAICP
Ralph E. Portmore, FAICP
Roy W. Potter, FAICP*
Steven A. Preston, FAICP
David Preziosi, FAICP
Richard Pruetz, FAICP
David L. Pugh, FAICP*
Mary Joan M. Pugh, FAICP
Darrin Punchard, FAICP
Joel E. Putterman, FAICP
Ray Quay, FAICP
Bruce A. Race, FAICP
Myles C. Rademan, FAICP
Jeffrey A. Rader, FAICP
Julianne R. Rankin, FAICP
James J. Rausse, FAICP
George M. Raymond, FAICP*
Richard W. Redniss, FAICP
Robert E. Reiman, FAICP*
Daniel J. Reuter, FAICP
Alan D. Reynolds, FAICP
Carol A. Rhea, FAICP
Suzann S. Rhodes, FAICP
Alan M. Richman, FAICP
Orlando A. Riutort, FAICP
Haney R. Roark, FAICP
Harold C. Robertson, FAICP
Gloria W. Robinson, FAICP
Joseph L. Rodgers Jr., FAICP*
Carlos M. Rodrigues, FAICP
Sergio Rodriguez, FAICP
Wolfgang G. Roeseler, FAICP*
Marsha V. Rood, FAICP
Deborah M. Rosenthal, FAICP
David C. Rouse, FAICP
Janet M. Ruggiero, FAICP
Irayda M. Ruiz Bode, FAICP
Thomas D. Rust, FAICP
Steve J. Sadwick, FAICP
David Salazar, FAICP
Peter D. Salins, FAICP
Kurt H. Schindler, FAICP
Gary J. Schoennauer, FAICP
Suzanne M. Schulz, FAICP
Thomas Schulze, FAICP
James C. Schwab, FAICP
Sue Schwartz, FAICP
Theresa Schwarz, FAICP
Paul H. Sedway, FAICP
Dan G. Sefko, FAICP
Angela C. Self, FAICP
Sumner M. Sharpe, FAICP
Barbara J. Sheinberg, FAICP
Dayton L. Sherrouse, FAICP
Robert G. Shibley, FAICP
Ronald Shiffman, FAICP
Ronald N. Short, FAICP
Donald C. Shoup, FAICP
Martin H. Shukert, FAICP
David M. Siegel, FAICP
Scot D. Siegel, FAICP
Mitchell J. Silver, FAICP
Christopher Silver, FAICP
David S. Silverman, FAICP
Stanley C. Slachetka, FAICP
Marshall D. Slagle, FAICP
Michael A. Slavney, FAICP
Evelyn A. Slone, FAICP
Carissa S. Slotterback, FAICP
Herbert H. Smith, FAICP*
Brian K. Smith, FAICP
Timothy W. Smith, FAICP
Gavin Smith, FAICP
William L. Snowden, FAICP
Frank S. So, FAICP*
Cheryl D. Soon, FAICP
Alan J. Sorensen, FAICP
Veronica R. Soto, FAICP
Jeffrey L. Soule, FAICP
Michael A. Southard, FAICP
Russell A. Soyring, FAICP
Chance W. Sparks, FAICP
Jeff B. Speck, FAICP
James A. Spencer, FAICP
William M. Spikowski, FAICP
David Spillane, FAICP
Marvin R. Springer, FAICP*
Robert E. Stacey, FAICP
Robert A. Stalzer, FAICP
Debra W. Stark, FAICP
Earl M. Starnes, FAICP
Stuart Stein, FAICP*
Jay M. Stein, FAICP
John E. Steinmetz, FAICP
Jill B. Sterrett, FAICP
Bruce S. Stiftel, FAICP
Susan Stoddard, FAICP
A. Jack Stodghill, FAICP
Israel Stollman, FAICP*
Nan C. Stolzenburg, FAICP CEP
Janet Striefel, FAICP
Nancy E. Stroud, FAICP
James K. Strozier, FAICP
Robert E. Sullivan, FAICP
Kenneth E. Sulzer, FAICP
Vernon D. Swaback, FAICP
Debra Z. Sydenham, FAICP
Jeffrey M. Taebel, FAICP
Emily Talen, FAICP
Linda F. Tatum, FAICP
Brian D. Taylor, FAICP
Warren W. Terry, FAICP
Robert B. Teska, FAICP
June M. Thomas, FAICP
Ronald L. Thomas, FAICP
Carol J. Thomas, FAICP*
Thomas L. Thomson, FAICP
Paddy Tillett, FAICP
Steven A. Tindale, FAICP
James E. Tischler, FAICP
Stephen E. Tocknell, FAICP
James E. Tolbert, FAICP
Kenneth C. Topping, FAICP
Alissa B. Torres, FAICP
Nohad A. Toulan, FAICP
Joseph W. Tovar, FAICP
William L. Towler, FAICP
John I. Trawick, FAICP
Susan L. Trevarthen, FAICP
Heidi Tschudin, FAICP
Stuart Turner, FAICP*
Frank F. Turner, FAICP
Richard E. Tustian, FAICP
Norman R. Tyler, FAICP
Elizabeth Tyler, FAICP
Richard W. Unger, FAICP
Daniel J. Van Abs, FAICP
Paul G. Van Buskirk, FAICP
Timothy D. Van Epp, FAICP
David P. Varady, FAICP
Silvia E. Vargas, FAICP
Miguel A. Vazquez, FAICP
Lisa S. Verner, FAICP
Elizabeth S. Via-Gossman, FAICP
Stephen D. Villavaso, FAICP
Joseph L. Vining, FAICP
Francis Violich, FAICP*
William S. Voelker, FAICP
Lucie L. Vogel, FAICP
Alan M. Voorhees, FAICP*
Roger K. Wagoner, FAICP
Roger S. Waldon, FAICP
Philip L. Walker, FAICP
D. William Wallace, FAICP
Jerry S. Walls, FAICP
Karen S. Walz, FAICP
Michael D. Watkins, FAICP
A. Elizabeth Watson, FAICP
Larry W. Watts, FAICP
Bob L. Wegner Sr., FAICP*
Frank B. Wein, FAICP*
Jerry J. Weitz Jr., FAICP
Celeste C. Werner, FAICP
Louis B. Wetmore, FAICP*
John P. Whalen, FAICP
Philip H. Wheeler, FAICP
M. Margo Wheeler, FAICP
David E. White, FAICP
Sara Jane White, FAICP
John J. Wiggin, FAICP
David A. Wilcox, FAICP*
Kristine M. Williams, FAICP
Ralph R. Willmer, FAICP
Richard W. Willson, FAICP*
Dennis Wilson, FAICP
Dick G. Winchell, FAICP
Cynthia E. Winland, FAICP
Arch R. Winter, FAICP*
Benjamin Withers, FAICP*
Karen Wolf, FAICP
Hing Wong, FAICP
Susan A. Wood, FAICP
David W. Woods, FAICP
Julie Ann Woods, FAICP
Michaelle Wormly, FAICP
Richard M. Wozniak, FAICP
Stacy F. Wright, FAICP
Mark A. Wyckoff, FAICP
Al Zelinka, FAICP
James P. Zook, FAICP
Melissa E. Zornitta, FAICP
Paul C. Zucker, FAICP*
* denotes deceased Fellow