Asheville, NC, Code of Ordinances

Updated November 2019

By: City of Asheville
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Table of Contents

Design Review

The city's code of ordinances establishes the Asheville Downtown Commission (§7-3-8) to administer design review in the Downtown Design Review Overlay District. It lays out the composition of and terms of office for the 11-member appointed commission (§2-76), as well as its purposes and powers (§2-77), and designates a city staff member as support (§2-78). The code of ordinances sets out procedures for downtown design minor and major reviews (§7-5-10), and establishes the Downtown Design Review Overlay District (§7-9-3).

Historic Preservation

The city’s codified ordinances create a Historic Resources Commission of Asheville and Buncombe County (§7-3-4) and set historic designation and design review processes (§8-1 to 8-12). A certificate of appropriateness is required for work that alters the exterior of historic landmarks or properties in historic districts. Designated historic landmarks are listed in Appendix D.

Outdoor Lighting

The city's code of ordinances includes outdoor lighting standards to promote public health, safety, security, and the nighttime use and enjoyment of the property. It provides a list of definitions, requirements, and standards (§7-11-10). The code of ordinances also includes a table of appropriate lighting levels based on property use and task.

Solar Energy

The city's code of ordinances allows noncommercial solar energy systems as permitted accessory uses in all districts. Systems must comply with minimum setback requirments, but may be located in the front yard with a variance to allow for optimal placement if compatible with neighborhood character and within property lines (§7-14-1.b.2.a).

Asheville, NC

2010 Population: 83,393

2010 Population Density: 1,855.94/square mile