Phoenix, AZ, Plan PHX 2015 General Plan

Adopted April 2018

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Table of Contents

Brownfields Redevelopment

This comprehensive plan explicitly prioritizes redeveloping brownfields in Phoenix, AZ. It contains a subarea plan and a comprehensive city-wide plan for brownfields redevelopment (p. 136).

Housing Supply Planning

This comprehensive plan encourages increasing housing supply and diverse housing options for all in Phoenix, Arizona. The plan includes an infill element which outlines land use and design principles, an infill policies summary and map supplement, and outlines nine policies and actions related to planning, codes, operations, and financing. The plan also includes a goal for diverse neighborhoods by encouraging a range of housing choices, densities, and prices for people of all incomes, ethnicities, and ages. 

Residential Infill Development

The city’s comprehensive plan includes an infill element and certainty & character element. The infill element includes land use and design principles, an infill policies summary and map supplement, and outlines nine policies and actions related to planning, codes, operations, and financing.  The certainty & character element speaks to compatibility of development and redevelopment through five land use principles and sixteen design principles.

Urban Heat Resilience

The city’s comprehensive plan addresses the effects of urban heat. Some of the goals of the plan principles include encouraging the use of materials and paving surfaces that minimize urban heat island effects and integrating trees and shades into the built environment to help reduce or moderate temperatures.

Phoenix, AZ

2010 Population: 1,445,632

2010 Population Density: 2,797.80/square mile