Flagstaff, AZ, Code of Ordinances

Updated July 3, 2018


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Biophilic Planning

This city’s zoning code creates an Outdoor Lighting Standards ordinance to protect the night sky, which is an important connection to nature. The purpose of this ordinance includes that residents value the night sky like other natural resources (§10-50.70.010).  This Outdoor Lighting ordinance creates a pattern for light regulation for the total light per area.

Form-Based Zoning

The city’s zoning code is a mapped mandatory form-based code. It includes eight transect zones all with different permissible land uses, form standards, building frontage types, façade design standards, parking standards, and landscaping standards (§10-40.40). 

Outdoor Lighting

The city’s zoning code addresses outdoor lighting (§10-50.70.010 et seq.). Flagstaff was recognized as the world’s first international Dark Sky City in 2001 for its work in developing lighting codes to protect its dark sky resource. The detailed purpose statement outlines concerns with overlighting and the importance of protecting the night sky. The ordinance establishes three lighting zones within the city and provides general requirements for all zones addressing preferred sources (low-pressure sodium and narrow-spectrum amber LEDs), establishes three classes of lighting, and lists maximum total allowed outdoor light output and lamp type and shielding standards for for residential and nonresidential uses in each lighting zone. The code also requires effective shielding and establishes a light trespass standard and lighting time limits. It provides specific standards for special uses, including service station canopies, outdoor recreation facilities, street lighting, parking garages, outdoor display lots, and temporary lighting. It lists prohibitions and exceptions.

Wildland-Urban Interface

The city’s fire code adopts the 2006 International Wildland Urban Interface code by reference (§5-02-001-0001). It includes amendments to the definitions, wildland-urban interface areas, special building construction regulations, and fire protection requirements chapters, as well as appendices.

Zoning Reform and Code Writing

The city adopted a new zoning code in 2011 (Title 10). It includes a mix of use-based and form-based zoning standards. It also includes a mix of transect-based and conventional zoning districts. It defines and regulates uses based on broad categories, with select specific use types, and includes use-specific standards to minimize reliance on discretionary use permits.

Its general purpose statements address land-use patterns, sustainability, natural resources, public infrastructure, justifiable expectations and taxable value, and administration (§10-10.20.020). And it includes a preamble explaining its place-based approach to zoning (§10.00).


Flagstaff, AZ

2010 Population: 65,870

2010 Population Density: 1,031.30/square mile