Form-Based Codes: Lessons Learned from a Mount Holly, NJ Case Study

March 2012

By: Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
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Form-Based Zoning

This case study examines the development of Mount Holly’s form-based code and a list of lessons learned that can be applied to other municipalities. The lessons learned as described in the case study are:

  1. Consult the Master Plan and Relevant Local Documents
  2. Facility the Community’s Vision
  3. Walk Everywhere
  4. Stay Focused on Project Purpose and Scope
  5. Be Flexible When Creating the Code’s Definitions
  6. Design for the Market
  7. Educate the Public and Municipal Officials


This case study is intended to serve as a model for other municipalities. 

Mount Holly, NJ

2010 Population: 9,536

2010 Population Density: 3,398.43/square mile