Kaua'i, HI, County Code
Updated June 2020
By: Kaua'i County
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Affordable Housing Programs
The county’s codified ordinances include a rental housing loan program and other housing policies. Chapter 2A outlines the rental housing loan program, which finances multifamily rental housing development through revenue bonds. Chapter 7A describes how the county supports the preservation and development of workforce housing, including through waived fees and fast track permitting.
Climate Change
This regulation discusses seal level rise and the solution proposed being that of a sea level rise district. The ordinacne pertaining to sea level rise promotes minimizing thre to the public, resilient design standards, minimize expenditure of public money, minimize resuce and relief, and educate populations in sea level rise areas.
Hazard Mitigation
The county’s zoning code includes Shoreline Setback and Coastal Protection regulations designed to reduce coastal storm and flood hazard risks (§8-27). These regulations establish setbacks between 40 and 100 feet for all new development, depending on average lot depth and annual erosion rates.
Kauai, HI
2010 Population: 67,091
2010 Population Density: 108.22/square mile