Parks that Protect: Leveraging Waterfronts for Resilient Communities

March 2023

By: Urban Land Institute*juq0ep*_ga*OTQ4ODA5ODUyLjE2NzU3MTQwMzg.*_ga_68JJQP7N7N*MTY4MTgyMzgwMC43LjAuMTY4MTgyMzgwMC42MC4wLjA.
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Climate Change|Hazard Mitigation

This report uses case studies of waterfront park projects that were designed to improve health and quality of life while also reducing the threat of rising water levels and severe weather. It addresses how waterfront parks can address inequities in access to parks. The report highlights the lessons learned from the case study parks, along with design and planning standards that can be used by planners to implement resilient waterfront parks within their own communities.