Land Based Classification Standards (LBCS)

Project Overview

The Land Based Classification Standards (LBCS) model extends the notion of classifying land uses by refining traditional categories into multiple dimensions, such as activities, functions, building types, site development character, and ownership constraints. Each dimension has its own set of categories and subcategories. These multiple dimensions allow users to have precise control over land-use classifications.

Project Summary

In 1994, APA reported to the FHWA on the findings of a survey of federal, state, regional, and local needs for an updated land-use classification standard. Then, in May 1996, APA, along with the participation of six other federal agencies, initiated the Land-Based Classification Standards (LBCS) project to update the 1965 SLUCM. Through this project, APA and its partners produced a new land classification system to allow jurisdictions, agencies, and institutions at the local, regional, state, and national levels to share land-based data. The first version of LBCS was released in 2000, and the standards have been updated periodically in the intervening years.

LBCS standards

Basic LBCS implementation guide

Additional project materials

LBSC colors