Drought Mitigation Planning in a Multi-Hazards Context
Project Overview
The American Planning Association, in partnership with the National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC), worked with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to engage experts and stakeholder organizations alike to assess communities' needs for drought mitigation assistance and planning best practices.
The project emphasized a multi-hazard approach to floodplain mitigation in the context of interrelated consequences of drought, such as soil impermeability, wildfire, and mudslides.
Falling Dominoes

A Planner's Guide to Drought and Cascading Impacts
Drought is a slow-onset hazard, and its effects can only be partially anticipated.
This guide makes the case for establishing drought as a priority for local planning. Planners are central in influencing land-use patterns and helping communities guide how development and redevelopment occur. This provides opportunities to address drought.
On Demand Webinars
Planning for Hazards: Land Use Solutions for Drought and Cascading Impacts
October 29, 2019
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In cooperation with the National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC), the American Planning Association presented a series of webinars on the subject of drought mitigation planning in a multi-hazard context.
This webinar features a discussion by Shannon Burke, APA's Hazards Planning Manager, and Anne Miller, AICP, Director for the Colorado Resiliency Office, Department of Local Affairs. Shannon Burke moderates as participants learn about:
- APA's forthcoming drought guidance, developed from research on existing and emerging practices for drought mitigation planning and the needs of today's planners when planning for drought, its associated hazards, and cascading impacts
- How local governments can build stronger, safer, and more resilient communities in the face of natural disasters and climate change
- Using specific planning tools to successfully implement land-use solutions that can reduce drought risk
Federal Drought Mitigation Initiatives, Tools, and Resources to Reduce Risk
September 18, 2019
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In cooperation with the National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC), the American Planning Association presented a series of webinars on the subject of drought mitigation planning in a multi-hazard context.
This webinar features a discussion by Darion Mayhorn, Drought Coordinator, Bureau of Reclamation, and Nicole LaRosa, Senior Policy Specialist, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Hazard Mitigation Assistance Policy Branch. Shannon Burke, APA's Hazards Planning Manager, moderates as participants learn about:
- Using planning tools to address drought impacts in a multi-hazard context
- Funding and technical resources that can help communities implement mitigation actions to reduce risk to drought and cascading impacts
- Drought Contingency Planning to address drought and water resources
- Methods to mitigate drought and incorporate green infrastructure in Hazard Mitigation Assistance Projects
Planning for Drought and Cascading Hazards
August 15, 2019
CM | 1.25
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In cooperation with the National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC), the American Planning Association presented the first in a series of webinars on the subject of drought mitigation planning in a multi-hazard context.
This webinar features discussions from Cody Knutson, research professor and drought planning coordinator at the National Drought Mitigation Center, and Jeff Brislawn, CFM, hazard mitigation and emergency management consultant with Wood Environment and Infrastructure Solutions. Joe DeAngelis, AICP, senior research associate with the American Planning Association, will moderate as participants learn about:
- Specific challenges and opportunities in planning for drought and cascading natural hazards
- Practical approaches to assessing local and regional drought vulnerability
- Methods for integrating drought and drought-related impacts into multi-hazard mitigation planning
- Resources and tools that can help planners and floodplain managers plan for drought in a multi-hazard context
Though many may think of drought and flood risks as mutually exclusive, they are not. Drought conditions can exacerbate flood susceptibility, particularly when heavy rainfall occurs. Thus, in communities across the U.S, needs for integrative approaches to drought and flood mitigation continue to influence comprehensive plans, capital improvement projects, and regulation.
Drought Resources
Annotated Bibliography of Primary Research, Tools, and Guidance
Planning Practitioner Survey Report
Planning and Drought
PAS Report 574
Planning and Drought helps planners, public agencies, and local officials see the crisis on the horizon and get ready to meet it. This resourceful guide connects the dots between drought and land-use planning, water management, public health, and the local economy.