PAS QuickNotes are plain-language briefing papers that explain emerging trends, future-focused topics, and important tools. Each QuickNotes offers a concise overview of a timely planning topic for practicing planners, plus links to more resources for further reading.

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111. Computer Vision for Planning. David Wasserman, AICP. 2025. (html | pdf)

110. Decolonizing the Future: An Inclusive Approach to Futures. Petra Hurtado, PhD, with Destiny Brown. 2025. (html | pdf)


109. Empathy in Planning. Meaghan McSorley. 2024. (html | pdf)

108. Community Co-Creation in the Digital Era. Ievgeniia Dulko. 2024. (html | pdf)

107. Geoengineering. Senna Catenacci. 2024. (html | pdf)

106. Managed Retreat. Scarlet Andrzejczak. 2024. (html | pdf)

105. Dimensions of Equity. Senna Catenacci. 2024. (html | pdf)

104. Mobility as a Service. Zhenia Dulko. 2024. (html | pdf)

103. Trauma-Informed Planning. Krista Schroeder, PhD, RN. 2023. (html | pdf)

102. Music Policy and Planning. Shain Shapiro, PhD. 2023. (html | pdf)

101. ChatGPT: Implications for Planning. Claire Daniel. 2023. (html | pdf)

100. Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. Joseph DeAngelis, AICP. 2022. (html | pdf)

99. Blockchain for Planners. Justin Hollander, PhD, FAICP. 2022. (html | pdf)

98. Extended Reality for Planning. Jennifer Mendez. 2022. (html | pdf)

97. Asset-Based Community Development. Alexsandra Gomez. 2021. (html | pdf)

96. Climate-Resilient Pollinator Gardens. Sagar Shah, PhD, AICP. 2021. (html | pdf)

95. Urban Heat Resilience. Ladd Keith, PhD, and Sara Morrow, PhD. 2021. (html | pdf)

94. Planning With Foresight. Petra Hurtado, PhD. 2021. (html | pdf)

93. Ghost Kitchens. David Morley, AICP. 2021. (html | pdf)

92. Investment Crowdfunding. Clark Henry. 2021. (html | pdf)

91. Urban Air Mobility. Alexsandra Gomez. 2021. (html | pdf)

90. Design Thinking. Thomas Fisher, PhD. 2020. (html | pdf)

89. Smart City Digital Twins. Neda Mohammadi, PhD, and John E. Taylor, PhD. 2020. (html| pdf)

88. Gender-Inclusive Language. Tim Burkhardt, AICP, Jake Reilly, and Hally Turner, AICP. 2020. (html | pdf)

87. Biophilia. Petra Hurtado, PhD. 2020. (html | pdf)

86. Managing Shared-Use Micromobility. Alexsandra Gomez. 2020. (html | pdf)

85. Artificial Intelligence. Joe DeAngelis, AICP. 2020. (html | pdf)

84. Gender Mainstreaming. Johamary Peña. 2020. (html | pdf)


83. Historic Preservation Planning

82. Inclusive Planning Processes

81. Conservation Subdivision Design

80. Adaptive Reuse

79. Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Planning

78. Inclusive Growth

77. Public Art and Planning

76. Corridor Planning

75. Making Space for Student Housing

74. Transfer of Development Rights

73. The Long-Range Transportation Plan

72. Measuring Community Character

71. Small-Lot Subdivision Design

70. Coping with Downtown Noise

69. The Wildland-Urban Interface

68. Making Space for Tiny Houses

67. Annexation

66. Planning and Fair Housing

65. Ecosystem Services

64. Sharing Planning Services

63. Water Conservation Strategies

62. Neighborhood Planning

61. Bike Sharing

60. Planning to Support Small Businesses

59. Community Benefits Agreements

58. Tactical Urbanism

57. Planning and Local Revenue Sources

56. Regulating Short-Term Rentals

55. Local Control and Wireless Facilities Siting

54. The Value of Planning


53. Parking Management

52. The Local Comprehensive Plan

51. Using Online Tools for Public Engagement

50. Managing Zoning Nonconformities

49. Planning for Food Trucks

48. Business Improvement Districts

47. Promoting Access to Free, Potable Water in Public Places

46. Floodplain Management

45. Transforming the Built Environment in Support of Aging

44. Brownfield Redevelopment

43. The Consistency Doctrine

42. Community CPTED

41. Conditional Uses

40. Planning for Solar Energy

39. Planning for Urban Forest Benefits

38. Zoning Ordinance Variances

37. Hiring a Consultant: RFQs and RFPs

36. The Farmland Protection Toolbox

35. Development Impact Fees

34. Integrating Health into the Comprehensive Plan

33. Integrating Sustainability into the Comprehensive Plan

32. Integrating Hazard Mitigation into the Comprehensive Plan

31. The Five Strategic Points of Intervention

30. Getting the Most Out of Staff Reports

29. Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning

28. Universal Design

27. Green Infrastructure

26. Environmental Justice and Land-Use Planning

25. Capital Improvements Programming

24. Food Systems Planning


23. Low-Impact Development

22. Understanding Planned Unit Development

21. Planning for Transit-Oriented Development

20. Tax Increment Financing

19. Accessory Dwelling Units

18. Regulating On-Premise Signage

17. Plan Making

16. Transportation Planning

15. Visioning

14. Understanding Takings

13. Climate Change and Energy

12. Density

11. Charrettes

10. Site Plan Review

9. Teardowns

8. Design Review

7. Inclusionary Housing

6. Zoning for Mixed Uses

5. Complete Streets

4. Conflicts of Interest for Planning Commissioners

3. Public Notification of Land-Use Action

2. Planning and the Media

1. Form-Based Zoning