PAS Reports
Since 1949, APA's PAS Report series has offered planners comprehensive guidance on important planning issues and innovative practices.

Environmental Justice and Zoning Reform
PAS Report 608
If patterns of environmental injustice persist in zoning codes, planners must act to address those disparities. This PAS Report provides the information planners need to evaluate their zoning codes for disparate impact and implement zoning reform.
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PAS Report Archives
APA members and PAS subscribers can download each new report as it is posted and can access the digital archive of more than 100 reports. Others may purchase PDFs of the reports.
Historic Reports
PAS published its first Information Report in 1949. To celebrate this history, we have made available a wealth of past issues from the archives. We hope you enjoy these fascinating snapshots of planning issues of yesteryear.
Become a PAS Report Author
We're always looking for authors to write or update PAS Reports on a variety of planning topics. Visit the archive to see the list of all past reports and review our proposal submission guidelines. If you have an idea for a PAS Report, please contact Ann Dillemuth at
Subscribe to PAS
A subscription provides access to the digital suite of PAS Reports, PAS Memo, PAS QuickNotes, and the APA Research KnowledgeBase. APA members receive digital PAS publications for free.