Here to Stay: Building Hearts in South Bronx

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Certification Maintenance
CM | 0.75
Course Details
The Hearts Community Center will serve as a beacon in a community that has endured a long list of gross inequities and injustices over many decades. By carrying out the vision of South Bronx residents, it will begin to repair historical harms while creating opportunities for community members to realize their potential and achieve a better quality of life, for themselves and their families.
Specific planning impacts that will be offered in the course include:
- Creating Space — The Hearts Community Center will be controlled and held by a Community Land Trust (CLT). Attendees will understand how a CLT creates space for cultural, social, artistic, and educational venues, projects, and activities that improve the quality of life in Mott Haven-Port Morris.
- Building Community — SBU undertook a decades-long community engagement and visioning program with the South Bronx Community, to re-imagine the vacant, approximately 22,750 square-foot Lincoln Recovery Center.
- Expanding Access — The Hearts Community Center will provide affordable space for CBOs and free/low-cost programming to residents, offering greater access to critical services and affordable facility space to the community.
Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate a model template for successfully engaging the public on a capital project
- Propose anti-displacement, co-planning programs in your jurisdictions
- Explain three distinct types of potential benefits that communities can capture from community-controlled land and facilities