Shifting Perspectives: Applying Vision Zero to SRTS

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Course Details
What will it take to eliminate pedestrian and bicycle fatalities? Traffic crashes continue to be a leading cause of death in children, particularly for pedestrians and cyclists. Ensuring a safe commute is paramount. Evaluation for transportation improvements to municipalities and schools for Safe Routes to School projects has focused on mode shifts from car to walking or bicycling rather than safety.
This course will present findings from two states, New Jersey and Minnesota, and how their respective programs are working to eliminate pedestrian and bicycle fatalities on public roads. In NJ, the research includes replacing modal shifts that rely on schools for data collection to speed data for transportation improvements, in line with Vision Zero initiatives. Minnesota is incorporating a safe system approach evaluation to planning and implementation.
Presentations will include better methods for municipalities to evaluate safety and ways to focus resources on reducing traffic speeds.
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the challenges that children face both as pedestrians and cyclists while traveling to school in different built environments.
- Assess the current limitations of the Safe Routes to School program about the safety of children during their school trips.
- Provide insights on the most effective methods for evaluating the safety of children with a Vision Zero perspective.