Planning July 2016
Planning July 2016

E-commerce's Impact on American Neighborhoods
Amazon — not the mighty South American river but its online mercantile namesake — makes a splash in the July issue of Planning. Our cover story, "From Bricks to Clicks," tracks the effects (and they're waves, not ripples) of and all e-commerce on American neighborhoods.
Featured Articles
Rio Gets Ready
Michael Kavalar returns from Rio de Janeiro with a planner's view of the Olympics' likely legacy. Kristen Pope provides a sidebar on two former U.S. host cities.
From Bricks to Clicks
E-commerce is changing our neighborhoods, say authors Daniel G. Haake, Jeffrey M. Wojtowicz, and Johanna Amaya.
The Road to Quito
The global urban forum Habitat III is a "clarion call for more planning" that could pay dividends for the profession. Greg Scruggs reports.
One Size Does Not Fit All
Katy Tomasulo looks at the trends shaping the housing market recovery. With a sidebar on federal mortgage relief by Jake Blumgar.
News & Departments
Ever Green
Timothy Beatley explores nature, digitally.
The case for fast food.
Cover: Illustration by John Ueland.