Planning March 2016
Planning March 2016

Special Report: 21st Century Comprehensive Plan
Comprehensive plans have long been the foundation of strong community planning, and today they are doing more than ever before. Also in this issue, designing the built environment with accessibility in mind, and the challenges of increasing density in the suburbs.
Featured Articles
21st Century Comprehensive Plan: Role
They aren't just for managing community growth anymore. Silvia Vargas and Nancy O'Neill explore comp plans' expanding influence.
Design for Everybody
Simple approaches — and thinking holistically — can make the built environment accessible for all, write Steve Wright and Heidi Johnson-Wright.
21st Century Comprehensive Plan: Substance
Comp plans are addressing new challenges more creatively than ever before, say Ben Herman and Darcie White.
21st Century Comprehensive Plan: Form
Say goodbye to three-ring binders on a shelf. Ryan Holeywell tells us what’s next.
Density Island
A suburban area in Charleston, South Carolina, strives to be more compact, but it isn’t always easy. John Tibbetts reports.