Planning October 2016
Deep Trouble
What role is there for planners in solving this crisis?
By Madeline Bodin
On April 25, 2014, Flint, Michigan, Mayor Dayne Walling pressed a small button on a valve bolted to the wall of the Flint Water Treatment Plant to shunt the city's water source from the Detroit water system to the Flint River. Officials raised clear plastic glasses of Flint River water in celebration and said it would take two days for the river water to replace the Detroit water flowing through the system.
The complaints started nearly that quickly. The water was yellow. It smelled bad. Kids had rashes. Their hair fell out. There were hundreds of water main breaks, although these still haven't been connected to the water source switch. The first problem, discovered nine months after the switch, was toxic levels of disinfection by-products. The second problem took longer to discover.
The severity of Flint's problem with lead-tainted drinking water shocked the nation. Ultimately, the Flint Water Advisory Task Force would find that the elevated lead levels were caused by a combination of lead pipes, the failure to add a chemical that routinely protects the lead in pipes from leaching into drinking water, and improper lead testing methods.
"It was a lesson in what not to do," says John Donahue, chief executive officer of the North Park Public Water District in Machesney Park, Illinois, and the immediate past president of the American Water Works Association.
Our nation's water systems are buried and so are their problems. The Flint crisis drew attention to a crucial aspect of our daily lives that we had taken for granted: water. Our nation's water infrastructure is in deep trouble, and lead is just a small part of it.
What role is there for planners in solving this crisis? Traditional views of both water management and planning give planners almost no role. But some in the water industry are promoting a forward-thinking vision of integrated water management. APA has joined them. In this vision, planning is welcome at the table as a valued partner.
Two cities, one lead solution
Municipalities around the country have responded to the Flint water crisis in the most basic way possible: by planning to get rid of their lead pipes. This annoys some drinking water industry experts, who don't see Flint's problem as being caused by lead pipes. Lead pipes are common. Lead poisoning from drinking water is rare.
To neutralize lead, the standard industry practice is to add a chemical, orthophosphate, to drinking water. The chemical binds with the lead in the pipes, coating the pipes and making it less likely that lead will leach into the water.
But while there are legal limits on lead exposure from drinking water, there is no level of lead that is considered safe, especially for children. Two cities — Madison, Wisconsin, and Lansing, Michigan — began removing the lead pipes from their drinking water distribution system over a decade ago. Today, they find themselves offering advice to other municipalities that want to do the same.
When the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency created stricter standards for lead and copper in public drinking water systems with the 1991 Lead and Copper Rule, Wisconsin's capital city found itself slightly over the new limit for lead. Conventional wisdom said that adding orthophosphate would reduce the lead levels to below the federal limit.
The city had other ideas, says Amy Barrilleaux, public information officer for the Madison Water Utility, a city agency. The city's two lakes were already suffering from too much phosphorus. Adding the lead-binding chemical to the city's water would cost money, burden wastewater treatment facilities with its removal, and still add phosphorus to the lakes.
Instead, the city decided to remove the lead pipes from its water system. As is true everywhere, the lead was not in the water mains, but in the service pipes that run between the water mains and each building.
Water utilities typically own less than half of the service pipe — generally up to the curb line. Replacing just the utility's side of the service pipe wouldn't reduce lead levels, Barrilleaux says.
In 2000, the Madison Common Council passed an ordinance requiring property owners to replace their lead service pipes. The city would pay half the cost of the replacement up to $1,000. The average total cost was $1,340 per property, meaning the city's average reimbursement was $670.
At the top of the replacement list were schools, apartment buildings, and locations that had tested high for lead, says Barrilleaux. After that, the service replacement piggybacked on schedules for road repaving.
The city worked with home owners so that privately hired plumbers could replace the home owner side while the pipe was exposed for the city's work.
The project took 11 years, wrapping up in 2012. It cost $15.5 million, replacing 8,000 service lines on the city side and 5,600 on the property owner's side. (Property owners had been replacing their lead service lines on their own for decades.) The utility financed the replacement by renting space on water towers to cell phone companies. The state public service commission didn't allow the city to use ratepayer funds for the reimbursements.
Lansing, Michigan, began removing 14,000 lead service pipes in 2004 and expects to finish sometime next year. Lansing is unusual because the Board of Power and Light owns the whole service pipe right to the water meter, says Stephen Serkaian, executive director of public affairs for the utility.
In many ways, this simplified the project. The Board of Power and Light spent $42 million on pipe replacement, Serkaian says, funding it from the profits of its electric, steam, chilled water, and drinking water services.
The project overlapped with the city's combined sewer overflow replacement project, so the roads didn't have to be torn up twice, Serkaian says. The utility developed a trenchless pipe replacement process that allows a four-person crew to replace two service lines a day, which is faster and less expensive than digging a trench.
Lansing is sharing its innovative technique — which involves drawing the new pipe into one hole as the old pipe is pulled out of the other — with Flint as that city begins its lead service replacement project.
Barrilleaux and Serkaian say that planners had no significant role in their cities' lead service line replacement program.

Workers from the Board of Water and Light in Lansing, Michigan, dig up a lead water pipe in January 2016. The utility used a technique that's quicker and cheaper than digging trenches. It involves drawing the new pipe into one hole as the old pipe is pulled out another. Laura McDermott/The New York Times.
Beyond the lead crisis
Lead is a tiny part of our nation's water infrastructure crisis. Water utilities have been aware of the threat of aging water infrastructure for years.
Four years ago, AWWA published a report, Buried No Longer: America's Water Infrastructure Challenge, that outlined a foreseeable crisis. The construction of American drinking water systems boomed during the second industrial revolution, about 150 years ago. The cast iron water mains installed during this period have a lifespan of about 130 years.
There was a second boom in drinking water infrastructure construction as America's population and economy expanded just after World War II, about 70 years ago. The steel, asbestos cement, and concrete water mains installed during this period have a lifespan of 70 to 100 years, the report says. All at once, both generations of America's drinking water pipes — more than a million miles of infrastructure — are reaching the end of their life expectancy.
"Investment needs for buried drinking water infrastructure total more than $1 trillion nationwide over the next 25 years, assuming pipes are replaced at the end of their service lives and systems are expanded to serve growing populations," the report concludes.
A year later the American Society of Civil Engineers, using AWWA's data, gave the nation's drinking water infrastructure a grade of D. ASCE's report pointed out that the rate of investment in water infrastructure lags far behind the need. Aging pipes lead to 240,000 water main breaks each year and 75 percent of the money needed is for repairs.
One of the main sources for funding for water infrastructure maintenance and improvements are the state revolving loan funds, which are funded by the federal government through the EPA and administered by each state, says Tracy Mehan, executive director of government affairs for AWWA.
These funds haven't kept pace with the need, so AWWA has been pushing for Congress to pass the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act, a credit assistance program modeled on similar legislation that funds transportation projects, he says.
WIFIA is part of the Water Resources Development Act, which made it out of its senate committee last spring. Mehan is confident this legislation is going to go the distance and become law. He says that the EPA is already staffing up for the additional workload.
New York State went in another direction with its Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2015. Last year it awarded $75 million in grants to 45 communities for drinking water and wastewater infrastructure improvement projects, and will award $175 million in the second round. This is in addition to the $1 billion a year the state distributes through its revolving loan fund.
A new vision of water, a new role for planners
The traditional role for planners in water management is to predict the rate and location of development for water utilities, and to protect water sources by limiting development around reservoirs and above groundwater recharge sites. "Planners put the lines on the paper," says Donahue, "but mostly they are not civil engineers. They don't decide how big the lines are."
"Because of the drought in the West, situations like Flint and a lack of investment in water infrastructure, the American Planning Association would like planners to take a stronger role in managing our water environment," says Bill Cesanek, aicp, a vice president for urban and infrastructure planning at CDM Smith, a global environmental and infrastructure consulting firm, and the chair of APA's Water Working Group.
"Planning is about managing growth and land development," Cesanek says, "but it's also about managing the impact of growth on our environment, including natural resources like water."
When the Water Working Group presented its findings at the APA 2015 National Planning Conference, the crowd spilled out of the conference room and into the hallway, says Cesanek. The group's core themes suggest a larger water management role for planners:
WATER IS A CENTRAL and essential organizing element in a healthy urban environment.
PLANNING PRACTICE needs to apply an integrated, systems-oriented approach to water management.
EFFECTIVE WATER MANAGEMENT requires interdisciplinary interaction among urban planning and design, engineering, landscape architecture, architecture, hydrology, and other specialties.
To find out how those core themes might fit into the day-to-day work of planners, the group is, among other tasks, researching best practices for planners engaging in water management issues, says Cesanek. Planners' traditional strengths of long-range thinking and focus on sustainability will be valuable.
The Water Working Group is also exploring the water management concept of "one water," which encourages water and energy sustainability through an integrated approach. Instead of seeing water as a one-way flow from source to being flushed away and each water use (water, sewer, stormwater) as separate management silos, it sees water as an interacting web of uses.
One water inspired the use of green infrastructure to manage stormwater runoff in Philadelphia and Cincinnati and many other cities; the use of traditional gray infrastructure to reclaim graywater in California and Pinellas County, Florida; and the daylighting of streams in Seattle and Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Drought only adds to the water infrastructure problem, which is why places like El Segundo, California, are recycling wastewater for human consumption. A little boy gives the highly treated water a taste during a tour of the Edward C. Little Water Recycling Facility last year. David McNew/Reuters.
Planning for the future of water in LA
Los Angeles is investing for the future using "one water" principles. The One Water LA Plan will guide the city's water infrastructure development through 2040, integrating water supply, wastewater treatment, and storm water management, says Lenise Marrero, an environmental engineer with the city's Wastewater Engineering Services Division.
The planning department and its own bold vision for the future are welcome partners. "re:code LA is the city's first opportunity in over 40 years to create a new streamlined zoning code," says Marrero. "Through One Water, while they look at the zoning code, they will keep water issues in the forefront."
For example, the new zoning code will improve groundwater recharge, says Erick Lopez, a city planner who is the project manager for re:code LA. Improving groundwater volume and quality is one way Los Angeles plans to reduce its dependence on water piped in from outside the region.
Until a few years ago, planning ordinances didn't allow permeable pavement in the city, Lopez says. Those rules were changed so that permeable pavement can be used in areas where the soil allows surface water to filter through and recharge the groundwater. Now the planning department is looking at more ways to enhance groundwater recharging, such as using bioswales to direct water within a site to allow it to infiltrate into the groundwater.
Serge Haddad, manager of the Department of Water and Power's Water Recycling Policy Group, is also looking to the city's planning department to assist with his department's efforts to increase local water supplies through rainwater capture strategies such as cisterns, spreading basins, and the use of recycled water — reclaimed after extra-thorough wastewater treatment — which is distributed separately from drinking water through a system of purple pipes.
"Any time planners look at how they can codify low-impact development, it's a benefit for water management," Haddad says. "That's another thing that One Water does, it gives us more opportunity to work with other city departments."
One Water LA is still more concept than accomplishment, but it offers hope that there is a way to leapfrog our current water infrastructure crisis into a sustainable future. "Do we want to invest in fixing and maintaining the infrastructure of the last 100 years," Cesanek asks, "or do we want to invest in the infrastructure of the next 100 years?" n Madeline Bodin is a freelance journalist who frequently writes about science and the environment.
Flint's Lead Levels: A Snapshot
Pipes were damaged and leached lead after the city failed to use corrosion inhibitors. In May, the Detroit Free Press reported that the cost to replace one service line was about $7,500, almost double the cost the state estimated and not including hefty city permit fees. The city resumed its efforts to replace damaged lines in August, a process delayed by a shortage of funds.
This graphic from the New York Times in February shows the locations of nearly 400 Flint homes that had detectable high levels of lead. Some of the highest levels were in the oldest parts of town, where homes were built before 1940 and therefore more likely to have lead service line pipes. Flint has between 15,000 to 25,000 lead service lines.
The Michigan attorney general's office has filed criminal charges in connection with the crisis, and more charges are possible.
NOTE: Maps include some nonresidential properties like schools and churches.
Sources: City of Flint, Department of Planning and Development,; Virginia Tech; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Graphic: The New York Times
Communicating the Need
By Jake Blumgart
It's difficult to oversell the extent of America's water infrastructure crisis. Many cities have not replaced their pipes since before the Second World War and, in a few cases, the Civil War.
The costs of inaction were made brutally apparent during the mass poisoning of the citizens of Flint, Michigan, caused by an austerity-minded choice to switch water supplies. But that disaster is only the most dramatic example of the consequences of the failure to reinvest in this essential infrastructure.
"It's unusual because it's not an engineering issue, it's a governance issue," says Mark Reiner, cofounder of Whole Infrastructure Systems for Resilient Development. "Our infrastructure is deteriorating. Typically, a city puts infrastructure on a 70-year life span, but many cities are on a 500-year replacement schedule. It's out of sight, out of mind."
Reiner's company attempts to chart the state of their clients' infrastructure. First they map the location of, for example, the drinking water pipes and sewer lines — which isn't always obvious in older areas. Then WISRD ascertains the age and condition of these networks and makes that information readily available to decision makers. GIS maps convey that geographic data, while the level of need is demonstrated via a color-coded schema much like the one used by Homeland Security: green is good, red isn't. Everything is then codified in WISRD's City Infrastructure Resiliency Score.
Reiner sees WISRD functioning as an aid to help political leaders tell a story to their constituents. Water infrastructure isn't on the national agenda, and it isn't an eye-grabbing issue like terrorism or the minimum wage. Politicians need help explaining why they need to act.
"At first it's going to be just visible to the city leaders, but then they can share the information with the public and say we are in deep [trouble] here," says Reiner. "Our infrastructure is about to fail, but we are facing a communications gap. There are all kinds of economic reasons to plan for replacement, but it won't happen unless you have a message to people that we need to upgrade our 500-year replacement schedule to a 70-year replacement schedule."
The American Society of Civil Engineers and its regular infrastructure report cards are an attempt to do the same thing on a national level. The last of these was published in 2013, and water infrastructure got a D. To bring that up to a B by 2025, ASCE estimates that about $150 billion in investments will be needed.
But the federal government's investment in water infrastructure began falling in the 1980s, while state and local authorities have created a patchwork of responses. Greg DiLoreto, past ASCE president and chair of the ASCE's Committee for America's Infrastructure, says only 13 water and wastewater agencies have raised rates to try to deal with the situation. There are about 170,000 public drinking water systems and tens of thousands of wastewater systems in the U.S.
"The fact is that water is essential to your ability to live in your home," says DiLoreto, who is also the former head of a water department in the suburban Portland, Oregon, area. "It's as important as the roof on your house and when the roof starts leaking you have to fix it. We need to start prioritizing what we need to get done first and then work our way down the line."
Jake Blumgart is a reporter with PlanPhilly and a frequent contributor to Planning.
Using Data to Curb Water Waste
By Kevin Ebi
If you have fallen behind on your water infrastructure maintenance, contamination isn't your only concern. You're also likely losing a significant amount of your water. The water loss figures are staggering. In the U.S., utilities lose between 10 and 30 percent of their water somewhere between the treatment plant and the customers' meters, according to the Black and Veatch Strategic Directions Water Industry Report. The water simply vanishes.
The impact is huge. Between population growth and droughts, cities are already under pressure to make every drop count. Further, the water that's lost is water that utilities have already paid to treat. Nationwide, more than $8 billion worth of water is lost each year, according to the World Bank.
Since tight budgets are the reason many utilities have fallen behind on maintenance, replacing everything isn't an option. But there is another approach. Some utilities are using data analytics to identify and stop the biggest sources of waste — and predict new leaks before they occur.
The city of Olds, Alberta (pop. 8,235), in Canada was losing nearly 40 percent of its water annually. Just six months into a metering and analytics project with Itron, a technology company that helps manage water and energy, Olds had found and plugged nearly two dozen leaks — and saved more than $175,000 worth of water.
Other cities have used analytics to better serve residents while conserving water overall. Bellevue, Washington (pop. 139,820), analyzes real-time data from smart meters to warn home owners or businesses the moment it suspects they have a leak on their property. No more getting blindsided by an unusually large bill arriving in the mail.
Success is a three-step process.
STEP 1: MEASURE. The success of any analytics project begins with the data you collect. Measure as much as you can. That job is becoming easier thanks to metering solutions that instantly send real-time pressure, flow, and consumption data wirelessly.
STEP 2: COMBINE. To get the most out of the data you collect, it needs to be in a single system. It's simpler, of course, to leave the data in whatever system it was collected in, but doing that prevents you from analyzing the data as a cohesive system. You are forced to rely on people to try to make connections from disparate summary reports.
STEP 3: ANALYZE. You don't have to build your own analytics solution. Several providers, including GE Water, IBM, and Itron, offer packages designed for water utilities. Basic analytics help you pinpoint leaks. Predictive analytics go further, giving you a list of areas that are highly likely to fail so you can concentrate on fixing them first.
Given the trends, if your city is not yet in a water crisis, it may soon be. Analytics can help you stretch a precious resource that is already in short supply.
Kevin Ebi is senior editor for the Smart Cities Council, which helps cities use technology to become more livable, workable, and sustainable. Learn more at
American Society of Civil Engineers' infrastructure report: AWWA water infrastructure report:
Madison's lead service line replacement program: