Planning August/September 2018
Planning August/September 2018

Special Issue on Climate
Ideally, resilience planning not only prepares communities for futures affected by climate change, but also identifies and acts on associated opportunities for economic development, public engagement, and increased equity. The August/September issue of Planning finds communities that are embracing opportunities for positive change as they prepare to meet the challenges of rising seas (in Virginia), coastal subsidence (in Louisiana), and extended drought (throughout the Southwest).
Featured Articles
The Silver Lining of Sea-Level Rise
Norfolk, Virginia, is investing in resiliency, reports Brian Barth.
Nature-Based Solutions
Clement Lau takes a coast-to-coast tour of the parks making their communities more resilient to climate change.
Water Pressure
As temperatures rise and water levels fall, inland communities are taking action to make sure they aren’t left high and dry. Allen Best reports.
News & Departments
Research You Can Use
Reid Ewing looks at three transportation agencies doing land-use planning.
AV planning shouldn't ignore freight.
Cover: Photo by Ted Jackson.