Planning March 2019
Planning March 2019

Smart Cities, Privacy, Scooters, Public Meetings
New technologies and fresh perspectives are shaping the planning landscape. This month's cover story, "Smart Cities or Surveillance Cities?" investigates the impact of privacy concerns raised by smart-city technologies. Planning also considers the longevity of scooter-sharing programs and suggests new strategies to revitalize public meetings.
Featured Articles
Smart Cities or Surveillance Cities?
Toronto’s experiment with Sidewalk Labs is exposing some cracks in the urban tech utopia. Story by Brian Barth.
Fad or Future?
Jake Blumgart looks to San Francisco’s scooter pilot program for a hint at what’s down the road for this trend.
Planning for Action
Housing Action Plans can make the difference in communities with pressing affordability issues, Kristen Pope reports. Spotlights on plans in Santa Rosa, Big Sky, and Philadelphia.
Six Tips for Inclusive Public Meetings
Jeffrey Spivak rounds up the strategies bringing some life — and diversity — to the public meeting.
News & Departments
Research You Can Use
Reid Ewing considers the shortlist for JAPA's Best Article of 2018.
Planning's role in representation.
Cover: Illustration by SOM with CityFi for the City of West Hollywood.