Planning December 2020
Planning December 2020

Transit Crisis, Mentorship, Aging
As the office commute is disappearing, transit is facing the biggest financial crisis yet. Read more in the December issue of Planning magazine on how planners around the country are answering the question, "What happens next?" Discover ways to make your mentor match work by building new skills, broadening perspectives, and leveling up your career in the digital age. Then, learn how planning with aging residents in rural areas and beyond can be easier and cheaper than you might think.
Featured Articles
Transit in Crisis
The pandemic has dealt public transit its biggest challenge in decades — and it isn’t over yet. Slashed budgets and fewer riders are just the tip of the iceberg. Dan Vock reports.
Bridge the Learning Gap
A mentor can help you build new skills, broaden your perspective, and take your career to the next level, write Bobbie Albrecht and Mary Hammon. PLUS: 4 Tips for Finding a Mentor
Age-Friendly Rural Planning
Even modest efforts can make rural communities more livable for older residents. Story by Jeffrey Spivak. PLUS: AARP’s 8 Domains of Livability
From Urban Renewal to Highway Removal
Advocates — and planners — are pushing to tear down the freeways that divided and bulldozed Black neighborhoods.
The Path to More Affordable, Sustainable Housing
Roderick Hall: "To truly plan for and achieve housing justice, we must ensure that housing and resources are distributed equitably across neighborhoods."
Treading Water in a Rising Tide
As the Great Lakes advance six feet in less than a decade, coastal towns refuse to retreat.
Tools for the Trade
Cover: Jonah Markowitz/The New York Times.