Promoting Flood Resiliency Through the Regulatory Process
Zoning Practice — April 2012
By Terri Turner, AICP

One in three disaster declarations is a result of flooding, and an increase in population, increased development in flood-prone areas, and a predicted increase in intensified rain events due to climate change will only exacerbate those numbers. Flood resiliency can be defined as the integration of roles, responsibilities, and governance necessary to adapt to the various risks associated with flooding and the ability to withstand and rapidly recover from disruptions in function after a flood event.
The regulatory process is an essential tool in the arsenal of fighting floods and promoting flood resiliency. Zoning, building codes, and other regulatory measures can ensure that fewer vulnerable structures are built in flood-prone areas, fewer lives are put at risk, and fewer losses, to both property and people, are incurred due to unwise development patterns.
This issue of Zoning Practice explains key features of floodplain management ordinances and highlights examples of noteworthy efforts to minimize flood risk through development regulations.
About the Author
Terri Turner, AICP
Terri L Turner, AICP, CFM is the Owner / Principal of HALO Strategic Planning LLC of Grovetown GA, providing planning, environmental planning, hazard mitigation, climate adaptation, sustainability and resiliency, and No Adverse Impact (NAI) / flood risk management / floodplain stewardship services across the US. Prior to being a business owner, Terri was the Development Services Administrator / Floodplain Manager / and Hazard Mitigation Specialist for 25 years for the Planning and Development Department in Augusta, Georgia. She has worked for city and county government for a total of over 28 years, both in South Carolina and in Georgia.
Ms Turner is a past Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM) Region 4 Director, and currently serves as the ASFPM No Adverse Impact (NAI) Committee Co-Chair. She is also an ASFPM Foundation Fellow.and Associate.
Terri spends most of her free time writing for national publications and traveling across the country as a local government and floodplain management expert and No Adverse Impact SME. She lectures and writes on community planning initiatives, green infrastructure, sound floodplain management, No Adverse Impact, hazard mitigation, climate change adaptation, and community sustainability and resiliency issues, to name a few. Outside of her work and volunteer efforts,