Better Zoning on the Web
Zoning Practice — October 2008
By Donald Elliott, FAICP

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The internet is transforming the field of planning in myriad ways. Combinations of Google Earth images, GIS database layers, visualization tools, and infinitely manipulable census and survey information have dramatically increased the data and analytical tools available to planners.
Virtually no aspect of planning has been untouched by this revolution. The changes have not been quite so dramatic in the field of land-use regulation, though virtually all cities now have an electronic version of their zoning and subdivision codes, searchable by keywords.
This issue of Zoning Practice identifies four technology-related changes that will transform the organization, use, and maintenance of local land-use laws.
About the Author
Donald Elliott, FAICP
Donald L. Elliott, FAICP, is a Senior Consultant with Clarion Associates, LLC, a national land use consulting firm. Don has assisted over 70 U.S. and Canadian communities to update regulations related to housing, zoning, sustainability, fair housing, and land development. He teaches a graduate level course on Land Development Regulation at the University of Colorado at Denver and is a former member of the Denver Planning Board. He is the author of A Better Way to Zone (Island Press 2008) and co-author of The Rules that Shape Urban Form (APA 2012) and The Citizen's Guide to Planning (APA 2009).