Got Trees?
Zoning Practice — July 2006
By Christopher Duerksen, Molly Mowery, AICP, Michele McGlyn

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Tree protection legislation has burgeoned at the local level, with hundreds of communities adopting tree conservation ordinances over the last decade.
These regulations have evolved well beyond the first generation of ordinances that focused on preserving large specimen trees into more modern approaches, such as requiring the protection of a percentage of the existing tree canopy on a site. Some local governments are even contemplating tying tree protection to a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions from new developments as part of their programs to address global warming and climate change.
This issue of Zoning Practice discusses recent trends in local tree protection, including methods and rationale for tree valuation, legal protections against takings claims, regulatory approaches to preservation, and cutting-edge tree protection programs.
About the Authors
Christopher Duerksen
Molly Mowery, AICP
Molly Mowery, AICP is Executive Director of the Community Wildfire Planning Center and founder of Wildfire Planning International. As a professional land use planner with 20 years of experience, Ms. Mowery focuses on integrating wildfire hazard and resiliency with planning practices. She has authored, presented, and taught on planning and wildfire topics across the U.S. and internationally, and was the lead author of the APA PAS Report: Planning the Wildland-Urban Interface. Ms. Mowery currently serves as chair of the American Planning Association’s Hazard Mitigation and Disaster Recovery Division. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Naropa University and a Master in City Planning from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Michele McGlyn