Monitoring and Evaluating a Zoning Code
Zoning Practice — July 2005
By Arthur Ientilucci

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The City of Rochester, New York, adopted a new zoning code in the fall of 2 002, which took effect on January 1, 2003. The code included several new approaches to land-use regulation.
Citywide design guidelines and standards were applied for the first time. Land use in the center city was regulated entirely by design criteria, foregoing traditional use controls. The city took an entirely unconventional approach to the regulation of nonconformities. Finally, there was a 180-degree shift in the regulation of off-street parking. The city decided to inject as much flexibility and discretion into the code as possible so that it would not always be necessary to amend the code to adjust to new circumstances.
This issue of Zoning Practice discusses Rochester, New York's efforts to monitor and evaluate outcomes against its zoning code's stated intentions.
About the Author
Arthur Ientilucci