Agritourism Zoning Down on the Farm
Zoning Practice — March 2004
By Rebecca Retzlaff, AICP

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Imagine taking the family on a weekend excursion to a rural farmstead located just outside the edge of the city. Sound like a utopian rural getaway? To a planner, images of rural roads clogged with weary urbanites, non-contextual billboards and signs, stores selling plastic cow lighters, and the ruins of historic barns may come to mind.
The balance between agricultural tourism and the preservation of rural character is tricky. An agritourism ordinance can be an effective way to manage this growing trend.
This issue of Zoning Practice examines how planners can balance the need to preserve rural character and farming practices while allowing for agritourism enterprises in agricultural districts.
About the Author
Rebecca Retzlaff, AICP