Local and Regional Perspectives on the Megaregional Concept in Long-Range Planning

The case studies in this report focus on the Puget Sound Regional Council and the cities of Seattle, Tacoma, and Port Orchard, Washington within the Cascadia megaregion; and the North Central Texas Council of Governments, and the cities of Dallas, Fort Worth, and Sanger within the Texas Triangle megaregion. Each study looks at the megaregional planning experience of the subject governmental entities, the extent to which megaregional or interregional issues are addressed in these entities’ long-range plans, and the factors perceived as limiting the incorporation of megaregional issues in these plans.
The project team undertook case study research to provide a more in-depth look at how regional planning agencies and local governments in these two megaregions — Cascadia and the Texas Triangle — are (or are not) addressing megaregional issues in their long-range planning documents and what factors affect how these entities approach the megaregional concept in their plans.