Minton Road Corridor Study
Community Planning Assistance Team Report

Located on the central Florida Atlantic coast, West Melbourne has no downtown and no identifying locations or physical features to separate it from neighboring cities to the north and south. Amid a resurgence of development activity along the Minton Road corridor, including a new and unique community park, the city council directed staff to change codes and determine incentives that would partner the city with private investors to create a town center. West Melbourne reached out to CPAT for help in guiding the city's efforts.
Since no historical development pattern created any obvious site nor enabled any specific design or theme, the team's report explores principles important to a successful town center to serve as a framework for continued dialogue with the community and as a basis for the city's continued planning, design expectations, and negotiations with private land owners and developers. The principles explored include connectivity, pedestrian orientation, variety, public space, local flavor, and identity. The team presents four infill development opportunities in the corridor that provide the land area needed to undertake a development with "town center" characteristics, each with a unique set of opportunities and challenges. Finally, the report lists action steps.
Meet the Team

Team Leader
Bruce Knight, FAICP

Team Member
Whit Blanton, FAICP

Team Member
Jason Epley, AICP

Team Member
Cynthia L. Hoyle, FAICP
Table of Contents
City of West Melbourne
Study Area and Project Scope — Minton Road Corridor Study
Community Input
Community Profile
Neighborhoods and Schools
Parks and Recreation
Development Patterns
Considering the Recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan
City Council Workshop
Corridor Context
Corridor Context
Pedestrian Facilities
Traffic Volumes
Transit Facilities
Transportation Plans
Town Center Concept and Principles
A Pedestrian Orientation
Public Space
Local Flavor and Identity
Project Goals, Objectives, and Recommendations
Town Center Locations
Urban Design
Action Steps
Pedestrian Orientation
Landscaping and Streetscaping
Appendix A: Meet the West Melbourne CPAT Team
Appendix B: Community Workshop Report
Appendix C: West Melbourne CPAT Community Survey
Appendix D: Community Meeting Notes