Great Urban Parks Convening Summary

The Great Urban Parks Campaign: Green Infrastructure in Underserved Communities is a joint project between the National Recreation and Parks Association and the American Planning Association. Its purpose is to inspire and equip communities to improve social and environmental equity in underserved communities through integrating green infrastructure planning with local park development and improvement projects.
One objective of this project is to inform and educate planners and park professionals on best practices to achieve maximum community benefits through the strategic planning and placement of green infrastructure. A second is to implement pilot projects to showcase models for how green infrastructure can be leveraged to improve multiple outcomes in underserved communities.
The Great Urban Parks Campaign project began with a convening of thought leaders in Atlanta, Georgia. Experts met for two days to discuss strategies and best practices to achieve maximum community benefits through green infrastructure in parks. This paper summarized the results of the two-day meeting.
This work is made possible by The JPB Foundation. Technical assistance is provided by the Low Impact Development Center, Inc.
Table of Contents
The Great Urban Parks Campaign
Convening Overview
Day One: Setting the Stage
Day One: Model Project Presentations
Day Two: Breakout Session
Breakout Session Highlights
Social equity and community engagement
Design, operations and maintenance
Funding and financing
Appendix 1. Work Session Agenda
Appendix 2. Participants