Harnessing the Power of Tactical Urbanism for Planning Success
PAS Memo — September-October 2015
By Sarah Showalter, AICP, Steven Chester
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This PAS Memo article focuses on three major ways to apply tactical urbanism — low-cost, short-term interventions in the built environment — to the planning profession: visioning, testing, and implementation.
About the Authors
Sarah Showalter, AICP
Sarah Showalter, AICP, is a city planner with a unique background in planning, housing, and urban design. She draws on over 10 years of experience in both the public and private sectors, where she has led and coordinated several project types including transit-oriented development, neighborhood plans, and affordable housing. As the Citywide Planning Supervisor for Denver’s Community Planning and Development, she oversees planning and policy at the citywide scale. This includes guiding the current Denveright and Blueprint Denver comprehensive planning process. Sarah has a Masters in City and Regional Planning and a Certificate in Urban Design from the University of Pennsylvania School of Design.
Steven Chester