Yarborough Revitalization Initiative
Community Planning Assistance Team Report

The final report of the first international CPAT offers a revitalization strategy for the waterfront neighborhood of Yarborough on the south side of Belize City, Belize. The Belize City Council, through the funding support of the Inter-American Development Bank's Emerging and Sustainable Cities program, sought help from the CPAT program to supplement work already completed as a part of their 2012 master plan that included a focus on the waterfront areas that are critical to the city's overall land-use, sustainability, and economic development planning.
This report outlines four planning priorities the team developed through the stakeholder and public consultations during their work in Belize City.
The four planning priorities are:
- linking assets and a reorientation of the community to the water;
- supporting community-led initiatives and activities;
- implementing green infrastructure and resilience strategies; and
- ongoing project development and management using metrics and "strategic doing."
With these planning priorities in mind, and based on site analysis and input from the community, the team also developed some site-specific urban planning and design recommendations, as well as recommendations for how to accomplish the multiple projects and initiatives that are outlined in a strategy and implementation matrix.
Implementation strategies range from the near term to the long term and from low-cost projects to those that require significant capital investments. Rather than the planning effort resulting in just another report with unrealistic or misaligned priorities, the interest is to provide a framework for incremental progress and capacity building through real projects. Through the work of developing a larger vision and grounding it with projects that can be done by people in the community, there is an opportunity for greater alignment with the larger land-use planning and economic development and branding for the neighborhood and city. It is also a strategy for developing leadership and stewardship in multiple communities in Belize City.
Project Updates
Blog Post
CPAT and a Young Planner's Journey to Graduation
Meet the Team

Team Leader
Justin Garrett Moore, AICP

Team Member
Antoine Bryant, Assoc. AIA

Team Member
Veronica O. Davis, PE

Team Member
Adam Perkins, AICP

Team Member
Shannon Van Zandt, PhD, AICP
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
The Purpose of the CPAT Program
Guiding Values
Program Background
Project Overview
Yarborough Community Context
Priorities, Recommendations, Implementation
Planning Priorities
Priority 1: Linking Assets, Reorientation to Water
Priority 2: Community-led Initiatives and Activities
Priority 3: Green Infrastructure and Resilience
Priority 4: Metrics and "Doing"
Overview and Guiding Themes
Recommendation #1: Improve Yarborough's Waterfront and Public Spaces
Recommendation #2: Promote New Activities, Businesses, and Investment
Recommendation #3: Build Capacity for Ongoing Revitalization and Resilience
Recommendation #4: Transportation Improvements
Recommendation #5: Adopt a New Site Plan for the House of Culture and the Waterfront Park
Recommendation #6: Yarborough Field and Collet Canal
Recommendation #7: Initiatives and Interventions
Implementation: Connectivity, Local Culture, and Small Steps to Big Change
Possible One-Year Projects
Appendix A: Picture Gallery
Appendix B: Project Schedule
Appendix C: Metrics for Iterative Planning Process
Appendix D: Ministry of Tourism and Culture/National Institute of Culture and History Site Plan for House of Culture
Appendix E: Meet the Team