Local Bicycle Master Planning: Connecting Communities
PAS Memo — November-December 2013
By Drusilla Van Hengel, Collin Chesston, American Planning Association National

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The case for public investment in bicycling is getting stronger every day, as advocacy and peer reviewed literature expands our understanding of the relationships between infrastructure, bicycling activity, economics, and public health.
Planners, policy makers, and engineers around the country are increasingly recognizing that mode shift towards bicycling conveys individual as well as community benefits such as increased safety for all road users, improved air quality, savings on roadway construction and maintenance, and revitalized neighborhoods. As local interest in bicycling grows, some communities are developing bicycle master plans.
This PAS Memo article summarizes some of the recent research on the benefits of bicycling and provides guidance to planners on developing bicycle master plans.
About the Authors
Drusilla Van Hengel
Collin Chesston
American Planning Association National
The American Planning Association provides leadership in the development of vital communities by advocating excellence in planning, promoting education and citizen empowerment, and providing the tools and support necessary to meet the challenges of growth and change.