Housing Reform Through State Legislation and Local Zoning
Zoning Practice — June 2019
By Catherine Hinshaw, Joseph DeAngelis, AICP

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The United States is facing a housing crisis. Housing affordability and availability challenges are leading planners, state and local elected officials, developers, and community leaders to reconsider the tools necessary to dramatically expand the supply of housing. State legislators in particular are increasingly recognizing the role that legislation can play in local housing supply, choice, opportunity, and affordability.
This issue of Zoning Practice examines influential local zoning approaches to housing affordability challenges, highlights examples of state legislative efforts related to zoning in local communities, and discusses the variety of ways in which states are increasingly engaging in this conversation.
About the Authors
Catherine Hinshaw
As the State Government Affairs Associate of APA, Catherine works with APA chapters and monitors trends across the country on key state legislation that impacts planning. As co-author on a recent Zoning Practice (Housing Reform Through State Legislation and Local Zoning), Catherine's experience examining provides important insights on why this is an emerging and relevant topic for planners.
Joseph DeAngelis, AICP
Joe DeAngelis, AICP, is a planner and research manager at the American Planning Association, where he manages projects on climate adaptation, natural hazard risk, and community resilience. Joe has co-authored a variety of publications while at APA, including the 2020 Planning Advisory Service Report “Planning for Infrastructure Resilience” and since 2021, APA’s annual Trend Report. Joe is also the co-author of the upcoming report “Exploratory Scenario Planning for Hazard Mitigation and Climate Adaptation.” Before coming to APA in 2016, Joe worked as a Resilience Planner for the New York City Department of City Planning, where he focused on post-Hurricane Sandy recovery and long-term redevelopment. He holds a Master of Urban Planning degree from CUNY-Hunter College.