Planning for Equity Policy Guide
By American Planning Association National

APA's first-ever Planning for Equity Policy Guide identifies policy recommendations for planners to advocate for policies that support equity in all aspects of planning at local, state, and federal levels. The Planning for Equity Policy Guide provides specific, actionable policy guidance through an equity lens on cross-cutting topics and areas of planning.
Advocate For An Equity-In-All-Policies Approach
Policy Guide Working Group Co-Chairs Lynn Ross, AICP, and Susan Wood, AICP, preview the equity-in-all-policies approach the guide promotes, how the guide can be used to influence work at the local, state, and federal levels, the people behind the guide, and why planners are the right profession to advance this issue.
Members are at the center of APA policy guides. The Planning for Equity Policy Guide was developed by APA members for planners and policymakers under the guidance of APA's Legislative and Policy Committee. A team of volunteer authors and reviewers created a draft that was reviewed by the Legislative and Policy Committee. The approved draft was shared with APA Chapters and appropriate APA Divisions for review and comments. A final draft was prepared with the suggestions in place, then presented at a Chapter Delegate Assembly. During the Assembly, chapter delegates made final changes and voted to adopt the guide. After adoption, the APA Board of Directors voted to ratify the guide.
Download the Planning for Equity Policy Guide to see the volunteer members who made this guide possible.
This guide was approved by the APA Delegate Assembly on April 14, 2019, and ratified by the APA Board of Directors on May 14, 2019.
About the Author
American Planning Association National
The American Planning Association provides leadership in the development of vital communities by advocating excellence in planning, promoting education and citizen empowerment, and providing the tools and support necessary to meet the challenges of growth and change.
Table of Contents
Equity in All Policies
Cross-Cutting Equity Issues
Equity in All Policies in Practice
For Further Reading