North Beach Downtown Plan
Community Planning Assistance Team Report

North Beach is located on the western shore of the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. It supports a resident population of around 2,000 but is largely a seasonal town and economy. The town has made many improvements over the years and hosts many summer visitors and programs a variety of well-attended festivals and events on its boardwalk. The downtown, however, contains many "holes" of under- and undeveloped land. The town owns several of the key properties and requested CPAT help with creating a plan for the downtown that enables all the town's goals to work together. The town seeks to encourage and enhance summertime tourism but also create a better year-round place for full-time residents.
The report provides an overview of policies adopted by the town, values expressed by the community, and existing conditions, data, and research that drove the team's plan. The team establishes a design framework, then builds upon it by adding content and specificity to create the conceptual downtown plan. The conceptual plan divides the downtown into three distinct districts — the downtown core, an active, compact and walkable commercial area serving as the heart of Downtown; the local merchants retail and arts district, an intimate fabric of small shops focused on the arts and local Maryland goods; and, the civic center, a concentration of primarily government and public service facilities. The team discusses the potential of specific downtown development projects, including a hotel conference center and a performing arts center. Additionally, the team highlights parking solutions, flooding issues, street improvements, public space enhancements, community promotion, and implementation strategies.
Meet the Team

Team Leader
Robert J. Paternoster, FAICP

Team Member
Philip Franks, AICP, AIA

Team Member
Wendy E. Moeller, AICP

Team Member
Kannan Sankaran

Team Member
Sidney Wong, Ph.D.
Table of Contents
The Purpose of the CPAT Program
CPAT Comes to North Beach
The Town of North Beach, Maryland
CPAT Project Overview
Study Area
Summary of Recommendations
Policies, Values, and Research Driving the Plan
Comprehensive Plan
Community Values
Previous Studies
Local Development
Present Conditions
The Plan
Design Framework
Conceptual Plan
Illustrative Site Plan
Planning and Regulatory Framework
Community Promotion
Public Space Improvements Conclusion
Meet the Team
Picture Gallery
Appendix A: Comprehensive Plan Policies
Appendix B: Public Meeting Notes
Appendix C: Summary of 2014 Economic Development Strategy by Sage Policy Group, Inc.
Appendix D: North Beach CPAT Project Schedule
Appendix E: Hotel-Resort Market in Calvert County