Helena Urban Standards Boundary Workshop: Engage, Facilitate, & Plan
Community Planning Assistance Team Report

Helena is the capital city of Montana and county seat of Lewis and Clark County. Double-digit percentage population growth during each of the last four decades, much of it in unincorporated areas, has created the need for greater, more effective, planning. The pattern of unmanaged growth, the cumulative impacts of thousands of individual decisions, started showing its impact on the public purse and natural resources of the city and county. The joint city and county request for CPAT assistance centered on a 2009 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the two entities which was adopted in order to better manage growth in the city, the urban standards boundary, and the Helena Valley. The city and county implemented some tasks outlined in the MOU while several other important tasks remained incomplete. A key component of the team's role included facilitating a workshop of stakeholders to learn what those individuals viewed as the issues, goals, and tools that can be used to achieve more cost-effective and pro-active forms of development within the USB.
The report details the team's recommended actions for consideration by the city and county. Some of the recommendations build upon the feedback received at the stakeholder workshop and others are based on the team's professional expertise and experience in working with local governments on growth management.
Meet the Team

Team Leader
Joanne Garnett, FAICP

Team Member
Bill Collins, AICP

Team Member
Ken Markert, AICP

Team Member
Neal Starkebaum, AICP
Table of Contents
The Purpose of the CPAT Program
Guiding Values
Program Background
Executive Summary
Project Overview
Helena Urban Standards Boundary: Engage, Facilitate, and Plan
Stakeholder Issues
Stakeholder Goals
Stakeholder Implementation Actions
CPAT Recommendations
Meet the Team
Picture Gallery
Appendix A: Stakeholder Workshop Questions
Appendix B: Stakeholder Workshop Notes
Appendix C: Word Cloud Derived from Stakeholder Notes
Appendix D: 2009 Memorandum of Understanding Components Remaining to be Completed
Appendix E: CPAT Scope of Work