A Town Center Plan for the City of Deerfield Beach
Community Planning Assistance Team Report

Deerfield Beach is 15 miles north of Fort Lauderdale on the Atlantic coast of Florida. The city, with a population of approximately 78,000 (following a state-mandated land annexation increasing the population by 75 percent and land by 60 percent), is essentially built out with only three percent land vacant. With the population forecast to increase, the city sought ways to guide that growth into redevelopment opportunities that encourage walkability and connectivity and promoted its unique village character. As part of a new vision, the city also hoped to reinvigorate the "heart" of old Deerfield Beach around the intersection of Dixie Highway and Hillsboro Blvd.
CPAT assisted the city with a strategy to create a walkable, mixed use district through the creation of a local activity center land use classification. The report includes an analysis of existing conditions, market assessment, retail design guidelines, planning and design recommendations, and implementation strategy.
Meet the Team

Team Leader
"Pete" Pointner, FAICP
Team Member
Robert Gibbs, AICP, ASLA

Team Member
Margaret Rifkin, AICP, RLA

Team Member
Adam Rosa, AICP
Table of Contents
The Purpose of the CPAT Initiative
Guiding Values
Program Background
Project Overview
Executive Summary
Study Area and Proposed Uses
Walking Distance to Civic Centers
Rights-of-Way: Street Cross Sections
The Idea of the Town Center
Markey Analysis and Demographics
Market Demand
Context: Existing Conditions
The City
Planning and Design Recommendations
Meet the Team
Picture Gallery
Appendix A: Retail Market Study
Appendix B: Community Stakeholder Workshop Notes: "SWOT Analysis"
Appendix C: Illustrative Design Concepts
Appendix D: Deerfield Beach CPAT Schedule