Celebrate La Feria! ¡Celebra La Feria!
Community Planning Assistance Team Report

La Feria is in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas a few miles from one of the five bridges in the region that crosses the border into Mexico. The region, including the small town of La Feria, is experiencing significant population growth and urbanization. The city requested CPAT assistance to provide planning guidance on some of the oldest parts of the city, a collection of aging neighborhoods, including La Feria's original town site. The traditional neighborhoods exemplify much of what "new urbanism" seeks to create — houses within walking distance of schools, stores, libraries, and parks. However, an aging and deteriorating housing stock, underdeveloped commercial corridors, an incomplete sidewalk network and neglected park space are some of the mounting challenges that residents and city officials face. La Feria's most recent (2007) comprehensive plan identifies much of the study area as "in transition."
The La Feria CPAT engaged the community in with a visioning process and helped gauge where the city and its residents wanted that transition to take them. The report includes background information and brief history of the city, market analysis, a complete community branding package, recommendations to improve gateways, details on growing the city following the Main Street Four-Point Approach, suggestions for economic restructuring, and a housing improvement strategy to strengthen the housing market and downtown core.
Meet the Team

Team Leader
Robert L. Barber, FAICP

Team Member
Andy Kalback

Team Member
Joseph "Tripp" Muldrow, AICP

Team Member
Irayda Ruiz-Bode, AICP

Team Member
Philip L. Walker, AICP
Table of Contents
The Purpose of the CPAT Initiative
Guiding Values
Program Background
Executive Summary / Resumen Ejecutivo
Project Overview
Market Analysis
Introduction to the La Feria Retail Market
Trade Area Demographics
Market Analysis
Observations & Opportunities
Community Branding
Brand Values
Brand Attributes
Brand Statement
Brand Recommendations
Celebrate La Feria's Gateways
Celebrate Downtown La Feria
Economic Restructuring
Marketing & Promotion
Celebrate Community Engagement
Collecting Data & Getting Input
Key Challenges
Celebrate La Feria's Neighborhoods
In-town Neighborhoods Housing Strategy
Meet the Team
Picture Gallery
Appendix A: Psychographic Data
Appendix B: Brand Style Guide
Appendix C: Charrette Data
Appendix D: Neilson Demographic Data: La Feria