Wakulla Gardens: Retrofit Challenge
Community Planning Assistance Team Report

Platted in the 1960s, Wakulla Gardens is an extremely dense residential subdivision in rural Wakulla County in the eastern panhandle of Florida. Once rural with small fishing and farming communities, the county is now one of the fastest growing counties in the state with sixty percent of the working population commuting to Tallahassee for employment. Wakulla County has five over-platted subdivisions that were created in the 1950s and 1960s, part of land scams that were never intended to be developed. Wakulla Gardens was one of these land scams with nearly 4,000 lots that were sold at county fairs across the country by real estate speculators promising a retirement haven in beautiful Wakulla County. Only 2,500 of the lots are considered buildable because of wetlands and flooding issues and the area lacks essential infrastructure. Though 25 percent of the lots are built out, Wakulla Gardens continues to develop. Impassable roads, flooded homes and septic tanks, and contaminated ground water are among the many problems that residents face. Current estimates for retrofitting Wakulla Gardens with water, sewer, stormwater management and paved roads total to more than $34 million. Wakulla County requested CPAT assistance on how to move forward with addressing the infrastructural issues.
The team's report offers two main types of recommendations — infrastructural and social. The report also touches upon forces and trends Wakulla Gardens can use to its advantage such as building relationships with local businesses and educational institutions and exploring ecotourism. The team also identifies potential federal, state, and local funding sources for improvement projects.
Meet the Team

Team Leader
Stephanie M. Tillerson, AICP

Team Member
Douglas Martin, AICP

Team Member
Darren J. Asper, AICP

Team Member
David Berg, AICP
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Project Overview
History and Background
Affordable Housing
Challenges Faced by the Community
Recent Wakulla County Initiatives
The Community Planning Assistance Team
Community Cohesiveness and Representation
Wakulla Gardens Neighborhood Association
Community Projects Coordinated by the Neighborhood Association
Road Infrastructure
Existing Conditions and Concerns
Paving of the Primary Access Roads and Connectors with County Funding
Paving of the Secondary Roads with Local Funding, County Equipment and Manpower
Wastewater Infrastructure
Existing Conditions and Concerns
Proposed Sewering
Sewering Alternatives
Step: Low-Pressure Collection System
Septic Tank Effluent – Vacuum Collection System
Community-Based Treatment Systems
Stormwater and Flooding
Existing Conditions and Concerns
Stormwater Conveyance Pipes and Swales to Constructed Ponds
Strategies to Reduce Density
Inventory of Potentially Available Properties
Property Donations
Acquisition of Lots for Dual Purposes
Lot Consolidation
Use of Easements to Reduce Need for Acquisitions
Use of Land swaps
Transfer of Development Rights
Vacation and Annulment of Plats Subdividing Land
Other Area Development
Neighborhood Commercial Development
Capitalizing on Local Institutional Resources
New Development in Crawfordville
Ecotourism in Wakulla County
Funding Opportunities
Federal Funding
State Funding
Local Funding
Concluding Remarks
Meet the Team