A Strategic Story: A Framework for Story County Economic Development
Community Planning Assistance Team Report

Story County, Iowa, is a community looking to strategically align economic development and quality of life. Located just north of the state capital of Des Moines, the county has a long history dating back to the arrival of first railroads to the area in the late 19th century. More recently, the county has faced increasing pressure from development interests seeking to expand. This has caused some friction between these interests and some long-term residents who wish to keep much of the land outside the county's 15 towns and cities exclusively agricultural. As the county seeks to develop and expand its economic base, it needed to draft a plan that addressed both sides of this critical issue and they reached out to the CPAT program to assist with the process.
CPAT played an important role in fostering dialogues that allowed residents and key stakeholders to voice their hopes and concerns for the future of Story County. The team helped stakeholders determine what types of development will best serve residents' needs helped the county develop a comprehensive vision plan for development in Story County, including an implementation strategy that cultivates community participation and support. The team's report recommends strategic efforts and investments in four broad areas including: vision and long range planning; strategic partnerships and investments; trails, recreation, and other quality of life issues; and county planning organization.
Meet the Team

Team Leader
Wayne Feiden, FAICP

Team Member
Deborah Meihoff, AICP

Team Member
Cathie Pagano, AICP

Team Member
Russell Soyring, AICP
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Project Overview
Story County Background and Issue Summary
Community Visioning and Long Range Planning
Community Visioning
Strategic Partnerships
Economic Gardening
Focused Leadership
Downtown Beyond Retail
Growing In versus Growing Out
Park less, build more
Coordinate: Strategic Investment Plan
Negotiated Agreements
Trails and recreation
Local Foods
Energy Efficiency
County Organization and Staffing
Summary of CPAT Recommendations
Summary of Available Economic Development Incentives
Meet the Team
Annotated Bibliography