Crestdale Rising: What Unites Us Is Greater Than What Divides Us
Community Planning Assistance Team Report

In the town of Matthews, outside of Charlotte, the Crestdale neighborhood has a rich history dating back to the 1870s as a settlement for freed slaves and their families. Over the years residents have relied on the strong leadership of local churches and community groups, but as the town experiences shifting racial, cultural, generational, and income demographics, Crestdale has lost its collective voice. New economic opportunities are arising in and around Matthews; plans for a regional Sportsplex and the completion of the Southeast Transit Corridor present challenges to maintaining the neighborhood's unique character and affordability. Achieving community-wide support for any one option has become a serious challenge. Requested by the city, CPAT took a role in fostering dialogues that allowed residents to voice their hopes and concerns for the future of Crestdale.
The team's report presents a profile of Crestdale's history and current demographics and the CPAT process. The team’s recommendations are categorized within five focus areas for moving forward: community identity and cohesion; heritage preservation, education and outreach; security and dignity for long-term residents; connectivity and neighborhood improvements; and major adjacent development proposals.
Meet the Team

Team Leader
Jason Beske, AICP

Team Member
Marijoan Bull, Ph.D., AICP

Team Member
William M. Harris, Ph.D., FAICP

Team Member
Emil Malizia, Ph.D., AICP

Team Member
Guy Pearlman
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Project Overview
Description of the Crestdale study area
Key site/area features
Recent planning background
Leadership in flux
Community Identity and Cohesion
Heritage Preservation, Education, and Ownership
Security and Dignity for Long-term Residents
Connectivity and Neighborhood Improvements
Major Adjacent Development Proposals: Wingate Commons & Sportsplex
Picture Gallery
The Team
Appendix A: 2010 Census Tract and Block Numbers
Appendix B: Example of a Senior Citizen Tax Work-Off Program (Wareham, Mass.)