Summary Report: Philadelphia AICP Technical Assistance Team
Community Planning Assistance Team Report

In 2004, Philadelphia was entering the third year of its Neighborhood Transformation Initiative (NTI) program, which aimed to remove blight and promote responsible development throughout the city. 30,000 vacant lots with varying statuses dotted the city landscape — some government-owned, others privately owned but abandoned for various personal or financial reasons. Many lots were rubble-strewn and generally unkempt. In some cases, however, neighborhood organizations had turned eyesores into vibrant community gardens. As the NTI set out to address Philadelphia's vacant land, they sought help from APA.
APA formed a Technical Assistance Team (now the Community Planning Assistance Teams program) to help the city develop a set of standardized criteria for evaluating each parcel on its suitability for near-term development; parks, open space, and recreational use (as part of the city's permanent open space inventory); or future development potential.
Table of Contents
Introduction and Background
What is an AICP Technical Assistance Team?
The Team's Charge
Overview of the Visit
General Impressions
A 21st Century Vision for the City of Philadelphia
The Role of Plans and the Planning Process
Observations on the NTI/Open Space Acquisition Program
General Observations and Issues for Continuing Discussion
SWOT Framework
General Recommendations
Criteria for Adding to the Open Space Inventory
Recommendations on Specific Planning Problems
AICP Technical Assistance Team