Charting the Course for Rebuilding a Great American City: An Assessment of the Planning Function in Post-Katrina New Orleans

APA, in response to requests from the New Orleans City Planning Commission and the APA-Louisiana chapter, assembled a Planning Assistance Team to assess the capacity of the city's planning function in the aftermath of the Hurricane Katrina disaster. After gathering preliminary information about its assignment, the team visited the city from October 23 to 28, 2005 (just two months after the storm); conducted a tour of the city's devastation; interviewed a cross section of public officials and community leaders; and formulated a set of conclusions and recommendations to assist local officials as they sought to make sound decisions about the city's restoration and redevelopment.
This report presents the team's general observations about the city's planning function, including activities of the City Planning Commission and the Mayor's Bring New Orleans Back (BNOB) Commission. Based on those observations, the report proceeds to make recommendations for addressing short- and long-term planning issues and suggests appropriate next steps.
Table of Contents
General Observations About the City's Planning Function
Short-Term Recommendations
Orleans Parish Hazard Mitigation Plan
The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and the New Orleans Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance
Recovery and Reconstruction Ordinance
Streamline the Zoning and Preservation Review Processes
Consider Relocation of HDLC and VCC Staffs to Planning Commission Offices
Establish an Inclusive, Ongoing Public Involvement Process for Rebuilding
Encourage Full Participation in the BNOB Strategic Framework Development Process
Planning Commission/City Council Retreat
Community Workshop to Review City's Master Plan
Review and Amend the Zoning Ordinance
Long-Range Recommendations
Finalizing the Master Plan
Create Formal Neighborhood Planning Program
Planning Commission's Role in the Preparation of the Capital Improvements Program
Identify Measures to Improve CRS Standing
Permanently Increase Planning Commission Staff Capacity
Suggested Next Steps
APA New Orleans Planning Assistance Team