The Industrial Evolution
Zoning Practice — June 2020
By Arista Strungys

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Industrial land uses have been evolving in response to new technologies and market trends for many years now. While some manufacturers and other heavy industrial operations still need large parcels of land in more isolated areas served by rail, truck routes, or waterways, many industrial uses want to be closer to urban activity centers. This is the result of the emergence of scaled-down industrial uses, with few to no outside impacts, and new markets for locally produced artisan goods.
This edition of Zoning Practice explores how communities have updated their zoning codes to accommodate the evolution of industrial land uses. It highlights the key features of mixed-use industrial districts, explores a range of distinct urban industrial uses, and discusses how one midsized city has embraced a new approach to industrial zoning.
About the Author
Arista Strungys
Arista Strungys, AICP, is a Principal at Camiros, Ltd. Her area of expertise is zoning and development regulations, and she has worked with communities across the country of all sizes in drafting development regulations. She is experienced in all types of regulatory techniques, including traditional controls, place-based zoning, form-based coding, design guidelines, and sustainable development.