Planning and Zoning for Mobility Hubs
Zoning Practice — March 2022
By Andrew Crozier, AICP, Lisa Nisenson

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Planners need ways to incorporate new mobility, smart city technologies, and supporting infrastructure into existing models and methods of transit-oriented development. Enter the concept of mobility hubs.
Mobility hubs aim to reduce auto travel by making transit, shared-use mobility, and walking attractive, safe, and convenient. Hubs achieve this through sheltering, real-time information, safe connections, and supportive infrastructure that help people transfer from one transportation mode to another. Other goals for mobility hubs include encouraging sustainable and cost-effective solutions to expand mobility.
This issue of Zoning Practice introduces the idea of mobility hubs and presents information on how to integrate them into plans and codes. It reviews the history of the mobility hub concept, examines contemporary mobility hub practices, presents a typology to guide planning and zoning for future mobility hubs, and highlights noteworthy trends that may affect the future of mobility hubs.
About the Authors
Andrew Crozier, AICP
Andrew Crozier, AICP is a Senior Urban Designer for WGI. He has 6 years of experience working in the field of urban design and planning. He began his career as a planning assistant for the City of Dublin, OH while working on his master’s degree at the Ohio State University. After graduation, he became a military planner for AECOM (Norfolk, VA) and WSP (Pittsburgh, PA) working on Federal and Department of Defense projects in the continental United States, Europe, Middle East, and East Asia. He currently works as an urban designer in West Palm Beach, FL where he works on comprehensive plans, downtown master plans, mobility studies, public engagement strategies, and site planning for clients throughout South Florida.
Lisa Nisenson
<p>Lisa Nisenson is on the forefront of helping cities adopt innovation. She is Vice President of New Mobility & Connected Communities for WGI, where she leads development of next generation planning, smart city technology strategies, emerging mobility, and integrated placemaking. Her current projects include planning for autonmous shuttles in transit, a curbside management and parking study, and three mobility studies. She is a co-author of the upcoming PAS update for Complete Streets and the March 2022 Zoning Practice on Mobility Hubs. She founded the civic start-up, GreaterPlaces, is member of the American Planning Association Smart City Task Force and is a Consortium for Scenario Planning board member. Previously she has worked with Alta Planning + Design, Sarasota County Florida, and US EPA’s Smart Growth office. She is a graduate of Meredith College and Harvard University.</p>